Friday, January 22, 2010

Liberalism is dead

Another good article from American Thinker, some snippets:

"The l-word still has a positive flavor from the old days, when it meant tolerance, open-mindedness, and the active defense of freedom. That's how JFK used it. Barack Obama is not a liberal; he is a third-world Socialist of the really angry kind. Obama has been surrounded by enraged Leftists from childhood on, including those crucial four years of living in Indonesia right after the whole Communist Party was wiped out by the Indonesian military under General Sukarno. That's Obama's real experience of the world outside of Hawaii. Ever since then, Obama has chosen to be surrounded by anti-Western, anti-liberal Leftists. Jeremiah Wright is perfectly typical of Obama's crowd. Obama is mentally the most fixated president we've had for a century, because he has never bothered to look outside of his Hard Leftist circle. He doesn't know any normal people...sort of like the New York Times Editorial Board or the Faculty of Harvard."

"The name "liberalism" should be put in a museum of out-of-date political labels, like the Whigs and the Wobblies. If there is ever a real democratic rebellion in the Democrat Party, then maybe real liberalism will come back. But until such time, we can only wish that the l-word will Rest in Peace. The Left has killed it. "

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