Saturday, September 18, 2010

American Thinker: the constitution is a contract: learn it

Important from American Thinker:

"It is important for our citizens to know what the Constitution is in order to know what the federal government is. The federal government is not supreme, but rather a creation of the states.

The federal government should be limited in scope and effect by the Constitution, because that is the document by which it was created. It is a truly bizarre notion that the creature of a document has the ability to alter the instrument of its own creation. If such a thing were possible or true, the federal government would have been a Frankenstein's monster created by the Founding Fathers. It is clear from the earliest writings that no such thing was intended.

It is important that the legislators know that the federal government is not supreme, for it is the creation of the states for the benefit of the states.

It is important that the Supreme Court abandon its progressive notion that the Constitution is a "living" document. It is merely (one is hesitant to use that word describing such a noble document) a contract, an operating agreement.

It is important that when our elected representatives take an oath to uphold the Constitution, they understand and know to the very depths of their being what the meaning and place of the Constitution is.

It is important that our elected and appointed representatives know and believe in the sanctity of an oath. Too many now clearly have no notion of the meaning of the oath, giving it no more than passing consideration if, in fact, they consider it at all. This is why the Founding Fathers were men of faith. Although it is not impossible to find agnostics and atheists who take an oath seriously, I submit that it is far more likely to find God-fearing men who will be bound by an oath.

The Constitution is not terribly difficult to read. It is not written in arcane and ancient language. It was written for ordinary citizens to understand. Accordingly, the Constitution should be taught at the earliest possible point in school.

If you and a group of associates formed a business partnership and selected or hired a manager, whether from among your number or an outsider, you would demand and expect that the manager follow the partnership agreement to the letter, would you not? And if he failed to do so, would you not fire him?

Why not do the same with our elected representatives?

A link to the Cornell text of the U.S. Constitution is provided here."

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