I have been sparring with Obots at Phil's "Right Side of Life"... I've realized it is futile.
The only "facts" they will discuss are the ones that fit their narrative of "PINO is the messiah" and not to be questioned.
I tried providing facts and showing them where they are wrong. They just 'move the goalposts', call names and bring up some other accusatory falsity. It is actually quite ridiculous showing logic, facts and reason to Obots. They do not question. They already "know" all. They are like the 3 monkeys: one covering up eyes, one ears and one mouth.
They ARE scared of finding out the truth! So today, too funny and exactly on topic, another great article at AT addresses this phenomenon!
"The self sensorship of liberals: too scary to look"
Obviously, I'm not the only one running into this.
From: T.S. Oct 13, 06:10 AM - T.S.' comment is outstanding and exactly what I want to say to all the Obots at Phil's site:
- In 1997, a cult of black turtleneck and Nike-clad web designers committed mass suicide inside a suburban San Diego McMansion after the spaceship that was supposed to extricate their souls from their bodies (which they referred to as "containers") and take their souls to "Heaven" -- which they believed to be a planet in some distant galaxy -- failed to show up.
The spaceship was supposed to be cloaking itself in the tail of the Hale-Bopp comet, but the comet came and went with no mothership connection.
The cultists -- who called themselves "Heaven's Gate," and who were mainly intelligent, college-educated science fiction nerds (both male and female) -- were so committed to their improbable beliefs that many of the males had been castrated so that their souls might escape the libidinous appetites of their "containers." So rather than reexamine their beliefs when the soul-extracting spaceship proved to be a no-show, the cultists ingested poison so that their souls could "escape" their "containers" (the means by which their souls were to be transported to that far off planet, sans spaceship, were never exactly clear).
I was in college when the Heavens' Gate mass suicide went down, and I was completely blown away by the story. Jones Town was way before my time; the cliche "drinking the Kool-Aid" had no particular meaning to me back then. And the facts of the Heaven's Gate story were so bizarre and out of left field that I couldn't fathom how people of normal intelligence could either fall for, or act on something so preposterous.
But over the last 12 years I've become so acclimated to the ways of the postmodern, "progressive" left (and the cult-like adherence of its often well meaning liberal followers) that I completely understand the mindset that caused the Heaven's Gate cultists to kill themselves en masse. I can now anticipate lefties' and liberals' reactions to information that conflicts with their deeply held beliefs with near 100% accuracy. Not that it's hard to do such a thing. The left (and to a somewhat lesser degree, the run-of-the-mill feel good liberal) ALWAYS begins with a predetermined outcome and manipulates facts -- or ignores, denounces, "discredits," ridicules, etc. them -- to create a narrative by which that predetermined outcome can be achieved.
If the original narrative doesn't work, the left abandons it immediately, moves the goal posts and devises a new narrative. If the new narrative doesn't work, leftists repeat the cycle ad infinitum until they arrive at the predetermined outcome -- facts and truth be damned. In short, the mind of the leftist (and the mind of the leftists' feel-good liberal acolyte) works just like the mind of a cultist .... and it has to, as evidence which conflicts with the leftist's most deeply held beliefs threatens to destroy his/her constructed reality.
Thus, we see leftists and liberals (who are often well meaning) clinging to their beliefs more fervently than a typical white person in rural Pennsylvania clings to God and to his guns. When facts and outcomes get in the way of leftist dogma (like when American cities crumble after decades of having held to policies based on liberal doctrine, or when entire nations crumble after decades of having held to systems of government based on Marxist, socialist, Euro socialist, progressive doctrine), the leftist digs in and uses all the tools of the trade to defend his/her constructed reality (and to maintain the illusion that he/she is still right -- they're never, ever wrong about anything!). - So it's become absolutely routine to hear/read lefties undertake verbal gymnastic sessions in order to maintain their constructed realities when inconvenient truths and evidence to the contrary threaten to burst their Utopian lefty bubbles (where they're always heroic victims and anyone or anything which poses a challenge to leftist dogma is a villain). Preposterous statements like the following are now par for the course (especially on college campuses, on lefty blogs, at cocktail parties in fashionable areas of boutique cites and on MSNBC):
- Amerikkka is the most imperialistic country in the history of the world...
- American hegemony is to blame for famine, hunger and Third World poverty...
- Amerikkka is irredeemably evil and is the root of all the world's problems...
- The white man's greed fuels a world in need...
- Capitalism is racism...
- Just because Communism hasn't worked out yet doesn't mean that it can't work, or that it should be abandoned. Unfortunately, Communism has, to date, fallen into the wrong hands every time it's been tried. But let's not judge such a potentially wonderfully transformative step forward in social evolution by the actions of a few bad apples...
- Capitalism doesn't work. The recession proves it...
- The rightwing capitalist wingnut policies of Nixon, Reagan, Bush Sr. & Bush Jr. caused the worldwide economic crash...
- President Obama can never be judged by the results of his policies because he has to clean up the mess that Chimpy Bushhitler made...
- The rightwing teabagger wingnuts have no authority to criticize Barack's spending, since Bush ran up $1.3 trillion in debt and crashed the global economy. That's why Barack had to run up $12 trillion in debt during his first six months in office ... to get us out from under Bushitler's $1.3 trillion debt...
- We should NOT retaliate for September 11 by invading Afghanistan. Let's drop love, not bombs...
- Afghanistan is the good war; Iraq is the bad war...
- President Clinton needs to bomb Iraq to divert attention from the Lewinsky scandal... Err, I mean, because Saddam Hussein is an evil madman who's killed hundreds of thousands of Kurds, and who has WMD's and a fledgling nuclear program...
- Saddam never had WMD's. Bush lied, people died...
- France, Lichtenstein, Cuba and Suriname have the best health care in the world.
- Amerikkka has the worst health care in the world...
- There would be world peace if only women (like Hillary and Nancy Pelosi) ruled the world...
- Christianity is an inherently violent, hate-based evil cult...
- Women in the Islamic World are much more free than women in patriarchal Amerikkka.
The Hijab and the Burkha are the ultimate feminist accessories! They allow Muslim women to be free from the stares, leers and sexual objectification that the oppressive, misogynist, patriarchal, white male rape culture subjects American women to. Plus, it subverts Amerikkkan normative lookism since nobody can see how fat your ass is under the burkha!... - Western civilization is evil...
- Nazi Germany was all about hard core tax cutting, free market capitalist, small government, Bible thumping Christian Right, fundamentalist Catholic politics ... just like the fascist Republicans today...
- Hitler and the Pope were best friends (and self-hating closeted gay lovers). The Pope was a Nazi. The Pope and Hitler worked hand in hand to kill all the Jews...
Pope Benedict is a Nazi. The Catholic Church worked with the Nazis to carry out the Holocaust... - The Holocaust never happened. The globalist bankers and the fascist Neocons in the Israel lobby made it up so that they could subjugate Arab Muslims...
- Prescott Bush was a hard core Nazi party member. George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush are Nazis too (as are all members of Skull and Bones ... except for Lanny Davis, of course). The Neocons are also Nazis...
- There is no such thing as objective truth. Everyone has their own truths.
- Everything the rightwing wingnuts say is an absolute lie...
- Liberals (the reality-based community) are sophisticated, enlightened, smart members of the smart party (Democratic party) who understand complexity and don't see the world in simplistic black and white terms, but rather in sophisticated shades of gray...
- Republicans are ALL racist, sexist, bigoted, anti-Semitic, homophobic, violent Bible-thumping, Neocon, self-hating closeted gay, Jesus freak hypocrites with IQ's below 75...
- Al Gore won Florida in 2000, but Jeb Bush, Fox News, racist cops, the KKK and the right wing Supreme Court stole the presidency for his inbred f**ktard brother George by disenfranchising African-American voters...
- John Kerry won Ohio in 2004 but Karl Rove, Fox News, Diebold, Haliburton, the KKK and that fu**ing Uncle Tom Ken Blackwell stole the presidency for the war mongering, draft dodging, coke snorting Hitler chimp by disenfranchising African-American voters...
- The rightwing teabagger racist wingnuts in the RNC and at Fox News are unpatriotic America haters who should be tried for treason because they questioned whether President Obama deserves the Nobel Peace Prize...
- The Duke LaCrosse team might not have actually raped that poor African-American exotic dancer, but she's a hero for charging them with rape because -- even thought they didn't actually rape her, or have sex with her) -- she's a victim of their Euro-centric patriarchal white male, frat boy jock rape culture (and because jocks and frat boys tormented artistic, sensitive geeks like me in high school and college)...
- Roman Polanski should be released immediately.
- Accidentally inhaled second hand cigarette and cigar smoke is the number one killer of innocent children in America. Thus, we must immediately legalize marijuana so that sick people may inhale (and inhale deeply) holistic, healing, medicinal marijuana smoke...
- Europe was a peaceful, harmonious, matriarchal pagan utopia until the evil Christian patriarchy destroyed all that was good and subjugated the enlightened pagans under its pernicious rule...
- Pre Columbian Central America was a peaceful utopia where enlightened, noble peoples considered it a high honor to be sacrificed so that the gods might be satiated at the sight of their blood running through the gutters of Tenochtitlan. But evil bloodthirsty Christian white men conquered the Native American utopias and replaced the enlightened native ways with their own evil, greedy ways...
- The Egyptian Pharaohs were black skinned Africans with angel wings who had magical powers and infinite genius. Black Egypt was a utopia where all the people of the sun flew like birds and lived in perfect harmony. But the evil white Christian patriarchy invaded, cut everyone's wings off, and subjugated the good people of the sun under the greedy, evil ways of the people of snow, ice and darkness...
- America is a Muslim country. Muslims built ancient Greece. Plato, Aristotle and Galen gained all their knowledge by studying the works of the great Muslim scholars. There was worldwide peace when the entire globe was the Muslim Umma. All Muslims are peaceful. Christianity is a violent, hate-based religion. Evil Christan white men conquered the enlightened Muslim matriarchal utopias and subjugated them under their violent, hate filled patriarchal, greedy, racist, capitalist rule. Muslims invented algebra. Muslims also invented the alphabet, medicine, art, science, written language and spoken language. And Muslims invented automobiles, cell phones, air travel, space travel, kites, gelato, weinerschnitzel, Penicillin, internet porn and Scandinavian speed metal...
- I could go on forever, but the point is probably well taken by now.
AWESOME - - - I get it! But sadly, the lefties won't...
They will just put fingers in ears, close eyes and scream at the top of their lungs "neener neener I can't hear you la la la ..."
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