Friday, November 26, 2010

a hyphenated American is not an American at all

Why is America exceptional? Some don't understand...
An example is some of the EXCELLENT, unique,
talented leaders and presidents...
Teddy Roosevelt is one of 'em and he said:
Theodore Roosevelt
the 26th American president 1901-1909
President Bush in the Roosevelt Room - 2006

The Roosevelt room before it was the Roosevelt room - 1904
(Hand-tinted photo of T. Roosevelt's original West Wing office)

From GreatKat: "Upon his return to New York in 1898, Roosevelt was immediately nominated for governor and won the election due to his war record. Roosevelt described his policy as "SPEAK SOFTLY AND CARRY A BIG STICK." He began implementing numerous reforms, including taxation on corporation franchises, regulation of sweatshops and a conservation program. These reforms infuriated the businessmen who supported the Republicans. So the party forced Roosevelt to accept the Vice-Presidential nomination in 1900 to get rid of him as N.Y. Governor. The Presidential candidate, McKinley and Roosevelt won the election and in 1901, Roosevelt became the Vice-President of the United States.

In 1901, only six short months after the inauguration, McKinley was assassinated and at 42 years old, Theodore Roosevelt became the youngest President of the United States and the 26th President. Roosevelt's goals as President were to represent all people: farmers, laborers, businessmen and white-collar workers. Roosevelt started the Square Deal Program, which asked for anti-trust proceedings against big businesses, an attack on social problems, control of the railroads and conservation of natural resources. Roosevelt became known as the "trustbuster" and believed that large businesses were good for the economy, but the government must regulate large corporations, instead of destroying them.

Roosevelt worked to make the U.S. a world leader, which included strong armed forces. He strengthened the Navy and kept European nations from interefering in Latin America. Roosevelt believed that civilized nations had the RIGHT to interfere with uncivilized nations to PUSH CIVILIZATION AHEAD. In 1902 during The Venezuela Affair, Roosevelt threatened the Germans to stop from taking over Venezuela. In 1903, Roosevelt acquired the Canal Zone after Panama broke free from Colombia. The Panama Canal was one of Roosevelt's proudest accomplishments: "I took Panama," Roosevelt bragged. Roosevelt was known to greatly broaden the use of the presidency to accomplish his goals.

Roosevelt won in 1904 a landslide victory for re-election to the presidency. He then lowered the taxes on imports and made the "Pure Food and Drug Act" and pushed conservation forward. Roosevelt built friendships with the Japanese and offered them to help mediate the Russo-Japanese War, which earned Roosevelt a Nobel Peace Prize in 1906. During his presidency, automobiles, lights and telephones started widespread usage and the Wright Brothers flew the first successful airplane."

I'm not hyphenated. I'm just an American.

Now, go read a very funny anti-hyphenated post from What were you thinking about called "What Kind of American Are You?"

tidbit: "I am sure the Constitution says something about me getting my own hyphen. Even if it does not, we know the writers would have added hyphen protection if they had the benefit of the knowledge we posses. I feel strangely inferior not having a hyphen. Maybe I will go with this one frustrated-aggravated-discouraged-annoyed-exasperated-over-taxed-under-represented-American! How is that for hyphenation?"

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