Sunday, October 17, 2010

Grandmother vs "most powerful" senator

In Nevada, if you haven't heard, Sharron Angle, grandmother, is challenging Harry Reid, the "most powerful" senator in Washington for his job.

Futrell at BigJournalism on the debate points out "The polls show the two neck and neck in this race. The Nevada media, of course, is beside itself. After the debate, one commentator asked why we would want to move from the #1 spot in political power in the Senate to #100. Many in the activist old media still do not get what this election is all about. We no longer want that sort of power structure in our nation. The supposed #1 spot in Washington, DC should be below the positions of Governors and even state representatives. This nation was designed with states holding the power, not bureaucrats in Washington, DC. I know it will take a long time for many to understand this concept, but I also know the media will be the last to figure out what is happening in this election. Besides, if Reid holds so much power in DC and says that it is his “job to create jobs,” then why is unemployment in Nevada the worst in the nation? Seems to me Reid is not doing his job and should be fired."

Comment Cents has the debate video.

... and about Nevada's tax increases under Harry Reid:

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