Friday, October 26, 2018

the delusions of the Left

Great commentary over at American Thinker yesterday by Patricia McCarthy

The Ever More Delusional Left

A snippet:

"... they (the Left) believe we are all mind-numbed, uninformed imbeciles who can be cajoled by their nonsense.  Obviously, there are radicals among us who do buy the left's blather, those who show up at women's marches wearing pussy hats sporting signs on which only the profanity is spelled correctly.  Those people are not a majority anywhere; they are the disordered among us. The left has psychologized politics; their party has become a refuge for the deranged persons who seem to think they live in the worst nation on earth when, in fact, they live in the greatest country ever created.   Everyone should read Arthur Chrenkoff's column."

"Piling hysteria on top of moonbattery, then, we have the media and the left's crazed reaction to the murder of Jamal Khoshoggi,  the sometime opinion columnist for the Washington Post.  He was not actually a journalist, he was an advocate for the Muslim Brotherhood.  Had he changed?  Who knows?  The mainstream media is convinced that he was some kind of hero and that Trump is somehow responsible for his murder at the hands of a Saudi kill squad..."

Arthur Chrenkoff's column "Dear Resistance, listen to my lived totalitarian experience – you have no effing idea what you’re talking about" is a MUST read, too. 

A snippet:

"You can pick up any of the thousands of books written about life under a dictatorship and read all about it, or you can watch a doco or listen to a podcast, but clearly you couldn’t be bothered to do so thus far in your life, so I’m going to give you potted version of how a real tyranny (it does not particularly matter whether communist or fascist as they are quite similar in practice, which is of course another thing you don’t want to hear, but that’s tough – they certainly have far more in common with each other than with a free society) works and what the world in which I was growing up looked like:

There is no democracy. There is only political party (actually there were two minor and irrelevant fig leaves, which were wholly controlled by the Party and would never act in any way contrary to the Party). All other parties and political activities are banned. Elections such as they are consists of a chance to vote for the Party candidate. It doesn’t matter if you vote against them as results will be falsified to show universal support and approval. The Party controls the government, so the two terms are interchangeable; in fact the Party pretty much controls everything. There is no way for an ordinary citizen to have a political impact, except by joining the Party, and even then the range of options is completely circumscribed by the guiding ideology.

There are no freedoms and civil liberties as they are commonly understood. There is no freedom of speech. Saying anything against the Party, even a joke, can lead to an arrest if you’re overheard and/or reported to the authorities. "

Dear "insert country name", Sweden proves Socialism wrong


Hey NZ

WHEN will you LEARN that Socialism does NOT work?  (Trump knows... Jacinda doesn't...)

Here are some videos discussing how Sweden has recently PROVED Socialism wrong: