This is 3rd Hibiscus in my letterbox garden.
There are 1400+ species of snails in NZ! :-)
saucy: Adjective [saucier, sauciest] 1. cheeky or slightly rude in an amusing and light-hearted way 2. jaunty and boldly smart
And check out: The Mount Vernon Statement
Constitutional Conservatism: A Statement for the 21st Century
We recommit ourselves to the ideas of the American Founding. Through the Constitution, the Founders created an enduring framework of limited government based on the rule of law. They sought to secure national independence, provide for economic opportunity, establish true religious liberty and maintain a flourishing society of republican self-government.
Wow... I keep running into all sorts of comments on blogs or facebook - from those who STILL convinced 9/11/2001 was a huge government conspiracy -> they think those towers could never have fallen on there own, witnesses 'definitely' heard explosions so there 'must' have been bombs in the buildings, Bush was in league with Al-Qaida and on and on...
Alex Jones over at is all into this. Gee whiz...
Time for "9/11 truthers" to really step back, put down the conspiracy koolaid and study Ockham's Razor: the simpler theory is more likely to be true.
For those who still doubt: couple related links to start researching 9/11/2001.
* It was a coordinated attack; an event planned for years.
* Bush was only in office 8 months so no, Bush did not plan it.
* There is evidence a plan like this was discussed since 1981.
* This was a terrorist attack by Islam extremists.
* These men were associated with Osama Bin Laden & Al-Qaida.
There is probably no logic or truth to help staunch 9/11 truthers; they really just need to put down the Alex Jones koolaid now and go do something productive instead...
"Until proved otherwise, the more complex theory competing with a simpler explanation should be put on the back burner..."
I agree with John... seems like she's doing just fine
Mark Todd during dressage competition - Hong Kong Olympic Equestrian Venue. 9-Aug-2008 (Xinhua/Zhou Lei)