Tuesday, March 2, 2010

NBC eligibility is not a conspiracy theory

From Obama Release Your Records: (I am quite sure BHO will NEVER EVER EVER 'release' them, but in time, the records will be revealed...and BHO will be indicted)

It is no conspiracy theory that Obama is fighting the release of all his past records, with lawyers paid with our tax dollars.

It is no conspiracy theory that Obama's father was never a U.S. Citizen.

We know from several SCOTUS rulings that "all children born in the country of parents who were its citizens... " make up the “natural born Citizen” category. The SCOTUS says that there have never been any doubts as to the status of these children. As to children born in the U.S. to parents who were not U.S. citizens at the time of their birth, there have been doubts. In other words, "natural born Citizen" under this formulation requires two generations of U.S. citizens, one generation in the parents and the other in the child himself/herself who also must be born on U.S. soil.

It is important to understand that we are focusing on what is a "natural born Citizen" under Article II which specifies the requirements to be President and not on what a "Citizen" is under the 14th Amendment or under some Congressional Act which does not relate to Article II of our Constitution regarding natural born Citizenship.

Obama, while having his mother's U.S. citizenship generation, is missing that of his father's, for his father was a British subject/citizen at the time of Obama's birth.

He therefore cannot be a "natural born Citizen," even if Obama was born in Hawaii.

Unless Obama is 200+ years old he is not Constitutionally Eligible to be POTUS.

This is a Constitutional issue, NOT a conspiracy theory!

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