As discussed at Climate Conversation (NZ), Andrew Bolt at CourierMail.au.com (AUS) recommends Before you give in to the media’s nuclear meltdown:
"Read the fascinating and reasurring in its entirety. But if you have time only for Oehmen’s bottom line, it’s this:
- The plant is safe now and will stay safe.
- Japan is looking at an INES Level 4 Accident: Nuclear accident with local consequences. That is bad for the company that owns the plant, but not for anyone else. "
Also, it is time for Kyoto to end, too... Yessssss !
"The Kyoto Protocol was a fraud right from Day One. Even if it had been punctiliously followed by all of the nations who ratified it, it would have achieved essentially nothing -- a measly reduction in the calculated temperature half a century hence of 0.02 degrees C -- an amount too small to even measure.
Kyoto was all about politics and money. The terms of the Kyoto Protocol demanded a 5.2% overall reduction from the emission levels of 1990 for industrialized nations. The choice of 1990, however, favored Europe, Britain, Germany, and Russia at the expense of the United States."
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