Saturday, August 27, 2011

want jobs USA states? easy, just do what Wisconsin did

Karin McQuillan at AT explains exactly how American can recover from the horrors of current Democratic stagnation, missteps, Obumbles regime marxist policies and specifically what each state can do to have growth and jobs... its easy - - > just elect conservative Republicans!

"It's not rocket science. Ordinary Republican ideas for job growth work in the real world. America has enormous economic muscle. We just need to get the 800 pound government gorilla off our back."

"Facts are hard to argue with," Governor Walker of Wisconsin declared in a Heritage interview earlier this month. In the three years before his election, the Democratic State legislature and Democratic governor presided over the loss of 150,000 jobs. In Walker's first six months in office, Wisconsin added a net of 39,000 jobs, including 14,000 in manufacturing. The remainder were in agriculture, tourism, biotech and medical technology.

In June, Walker earned boasting rights that half of the new jobs in the entire country -- a shocking and paltry 19,000 -- were created in his state. In the same month, Democrat Illinois next door lost 7,000 jobs. (For more on Illinois jobs, see this - ed.)

Not only did Wisconsin add private sector jobs, they trimmed government jobs by 3,000. Instead of leading to disaster, 12,500 private jobs were added, leading to the one month total of 9,500 net new jobs.

What changed for Wisconsin? Republican policies made the dramatic difference. In his first six months, Governor Walker and his Republican legislature passed tort reform and regulatory reform to create a legal system that fosters economic growth instead of suffocating it. They balanced the budget and cut taxes, including freezing property taxes. To encourage business expansion, they passed a manufacturing tax credit and capital gains tax credit.

The cuts were not at the expense of the health and senior services. The budget continues BadgerCare, Medical Assistance, and SeniorCare, and allocates an additional $1.2 billion into the state's Medicaid program. All new revenue in the next two years will go to the Department of Health Services.

The budget did cut $800 million in aid to local school districts. However, the Republicans freed school districts of onerous union requirements that expensive health insurance must be purchased through the union. School districts quickly turned to the competitive private insurance market and have saved as much as $700,000 a year. "

and SO ON AND SO ON... Seeee?  EASY!  so read the rest here and REMEMBER IN NOVEMBER 2012!

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