Yesterday someone spotted a dead dolphin washed up on shore on one of NZ's many beaches. It is believed to be a friendly dolphin known as "Moko". His concerned watchers hadn't seen him for a few weeks: very unusual as he loved being around people.
If it was 4 year old, people loving Moko, many in NZ are saddened... here's a bit of his story
From "Bill's story of Moko" 2007:
"Moko made what is believed to have been his first appearance on the East coast at Mahia beach on April 9th 2007 at 2pm. I guess I was in the right place at the right time. I am at sea most days when the weather is good running crayfish pots. When putting down a set line for fish I noticed a large swirl close to my boat which gave me some concern as I was in a 12ft aluminium dinghy, when suddenly Moko popped up and began to follow me. He continued to follow me for a further 2 - 3 weeks and became what I suppose you would call friendly."

In March 2008, Moko was spotted helping some whales. From Stuff article "Moko the friendly dolphin saves whales":
"Mr Smith received a call early Monday morning to say two whales had stranded on the south end of Mahia Beach.
"Generally speaking when pygmy sperm whales strand they end up dying, or they are refloated only to strand again later in the day and die."
After about four unsuccessful refloating attempts it was becoming highly likely the pair would have to be euthanised.
"The whales were getting tired and I was getting cold when Moko turned up.
"She just came straight for us and escorted the two whales along the beach and out through the channel.
"The whales were sitting on the surface of the water quite distressed, they had arched their backs and were calling to one another, but as soon as the dolphin turned up they submerged into the water and followed her."
Moko led the whales about 200m along the beach towards the headland then led the pair all the way out to sea."
From 24-Oct-09 article at Stuff.co.nz "Moko takes his tricks to town":
"Moko the friendly dolphin is going to great lengths to keep his playmates – leaving a couple of surf ski riders up the river without a paddle.
Gisborne man John Allen snapped Moko making off with the paddle yesterday and said he was amazed at the mammal's dexterity.
"Every time they managed to get hold of it he'd start trying to knock them off their skis till they let go of it, then he'd grab it and disappear under the water for about 30 seconds, and then you'd see it come up on its end like that.
"He's obviously very intelligent."
People who loved Moko might prefer to think he finally found a dolphin family and left to live happily ever after in the ocean. Sounds nice...
There is a documentary for Moko, already in the works, by a film maker who has been following Moko's exploits. I look forward to seeing it... I have never swam with a dolphin (or gone in past my shoulders in the ocean for that matter). It is quite cool NZ can have contact with amazing, intelligent ocean creatures (NZ even has swimming with dolphins for tourists).
So... RIP Moko... you certainly made an impression on NZ
So sad, I was fortunate enough to swim with him for about 40 minutes at Mahia beach in 2008. He was extremely friendly, almost like a dog, coming up to be patted and very playful.
Hi JC... how cool that you were able to have that experience! I am too scared to swim in the ocean so I admire your bravery for even entering! Now, if you want to go swimming in Lake Michigan off a Chicago beach in summer, I'm your gal... otherwise, I'll just stroll on the NZ beaches and admire those who actually bravely swim the beautiful, dangerous ocean and with that risk get the benefits of dolphin experiences very few people ever get... good on ya mate
ReplyDeleteThank you for your excellent post. The photo with the kayaker is amazing.
ReplyDeleteWho is the filmmaker preparing the documentary? Is there a website for the upcoming film?
As a tribute, I created an entry for Moko on BlooSee, feel free to edit it or add photos:
Moko on BlooSee (map)
Moko on BlooSee
Farewell, Moko.
thanks for the comment, Ocean Lover. I heard Amy Taylor, the filmmaker, on an interview on NewsTalkZB last week... they were discussing Moko's death and her upcoming file. Ms. Taylor mentioned she already had enough film and was working on putting a 1/2 hour doco out this year and perhaps a 1 hr longer version.
ReplyDeleteI found some info:
"Miss Taylor said she was looking for musicians and music producers to help her with the soundtrack.
Miss Taylor can be contacted by emailing her at amytaylor.nz@gmail.com or by phone on 027 2818398."
from: http://www.3news.co.nz/Moko-to-be-subject-of-documentary/tabid/423/articleID/157702/Default.aspx?ArticleID=157702