1. Obey the Constitution.
2. Spend less than you take in.
3. Encourage and support a sensibly regulated and minimally taxed capitalist economy.
4. Read the Bills.
5. Enforce the law.
6. Opt out of the UN.
I just found above on this cool blog but the author's last post says they may not continue. I hope they do!
At the minimum, it is good to have information on DEFEATING the ALINSKY followers (like BHO and the current statist regime in Washington, "main" stream media and Hollyweird leftist types).
I can think of a few more steps:
7. Allow 1 vote and a revised, fraud free process by Americans (no illegals) to elect all local or federal officials
8. Term limits for all elected local or federal office holders and a restricted, set amount of $ and time to spend for all campaigns
Got any good ones you'd like to share? :)
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