Why is it acceptable for the government to take from a productive, hard-working American citizen and give to someone who will not work or may even be here illegally?
Why are illegal aliens granted more rights and privileges than American citizens?
Why do those in the U.S. military have to be drug-tested but not people who receive money from federal entitlement programs?
Why don't we come together as Americans, not hyphenated Americans, and address the problems facing our nation.
Why is the government in bed with the country's most powerful unions?
Why are we unwilling to profile potential terrorists?
Why are so many Americans afraid to hear the truth on most issues?
When is the American public going to say "Enough is enough"?
Grady Warren explains his group's position on getting radical muslims our of America (more from Grady telling like it is on illegal aliens and the BHO regime's failings at Radio Patriot):
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