Another interesting fact is how many JOBS illegal aliens are taking from LEGAL USA citizens: 11,718,916 when I looked. (see below).
HEY UNEMPLOYED AMERICANS: approximately 12 MILLION jobs COULD BE YOURS if these illegals are sent home. SAY NO TO AMNESTY... and 12 million Americans could get employed again.
grrrr... these stats are frightening and infuriating!

Check out 24ahead.com for concrete suggestions on How to stop amnesty and reduce illegal immigration including:
"Thousands of people have floated an endless series of plans that they think would end illegal immigration. The problem is that in the current environment those plans stand very little chance of being considered. Those in power will just continue doing what they've been doing. The methods below are designed to get us to the point where we can have a real dialogue about these issues, and at that point various policy proposals can be considered.
And, some people engage in difficult activities for little gain, for instance street protests. Those can have some sort of impact, but they can also be counter-productive.
1. The single most effective thing you can do is to publicly discredit a political leader over this issue on video, and then upload that to sites like Youtube where potentially millions of people can see it." More suggestions here.
Rush Limbaugh thinks the Judge has ripped the 'guts out of AZ law: its no longer illegal to be illegal' but states:
"All of you Democrats, all you liberals, you think you've won something here. This is just gonna add to your defeat, the size of your defeat come November. ... Its time to deport Washington." <- YESSSS! Great idea!

Gov Brewer states “I will battle all the way to the Supreme Court, if necessary, for the right to protect the citizens of Arizona. Meanwhile, I also know we still have work to do in confronting the fear-mongers, those dealing in hate and lies and economic boycotts that seek to do Arizona harm.
“We have already made some progress in waking up Washington. But the question still remains: will Washington do its job, and put an end to the daily operations of smugglers in our nation, or will the delays and sidesteps continue? I believe that the defenders of the rule of law will ultimately succeed with us in our demand for action.”
Jan Brewer's home page here. Keep up the fight governor, the majority of legal Americans are behind you 100%.
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