Thursday, July 1, 2010

NZ starts a march towards communism?

I listened to a good portion of Leighton Smith's News Talk ZB radio show today and caught the call in from the awesome Lord Christopher Monckton at 9:30am.

Lord Monckton is sad for NZ and thinks "NZ just took a first step towards communism" (ok, 'socialism' or 'marxism' or 'collectivism' - your pick) by the National goverment implementing a tax on air (ETS in effect 1-July-2010).

C02 is NOT a pollutant. Climate-change-global-warming is not man made: NEW STUDIES and evidence is coming out DAILY refuting ALL Goracle-ish and UN IPCC claims. People in free, western worlds MUST hold their politicians to account, but the NZ public? Besides a few conservative voices, NZ probably won't be too concerned until the NZ economy slowly grinds to a halt. That was Lord Monckton's point: the NZ National party has started the ball rolling to economic oblivion. Shame really...

The only political party in NZ opposing the ETS is the ACT party led by Rodney Hide. He and ACT have been giving some talks explaining the ETS to New Zealanders. More talks are scheduled as per below. Learn why:


National's senseless Emissions Trading Scheme came into effect today. Come to a Public Meeting to learn about the ETS and the damage it will do to New Zealand’s economy. No spin, just the facts. Learn also about the back downs that have already resulted from ACT’s campaign and ACT’s strategy going forward.

WHAKATANE - 13 July – 11.30am, Eastbay REAP Head Office, 21 Pyne Street - Rodney Hide
ROTORUA – 13 July – 7.30pm, Pig and Whistle Function Room, corner Haupapa and Tutanekai Sts, Rotorua - Rodney Hide
OTOROHANGA – 14 July – 11.30am, Otorohanga District Library Meeting Room - Rodney Hide
PAPAKURA – 19 July – 7.30 pm, Hawkins Centre, 13 Ray Small Drive, Papakura - Rodney Hide and John Boscawen
WARKWORTH – 9 August – 7.30 pm, The Bridgehouse Café, 16 Elizabeth Street, Warkworth - Rodney Hide and John Boscawen
TE KAUWHATA – 1 September – 7.30 pm, Waikare Golf Club, 66 Waerenga Road, Te Kauwhata

Put these dates in your diary - venues to be advised
Nelson – 10 August
Tauranga – 26 August 12 noon
Thames – 31 August 12 noon
Ngatea – 1 September 12 noon
Waipukurau – 2 September 12 noon
Queenstown – 6 September 12 noon
Auckland – 27 September 7 pm
Katikati – 28 September 12 noon
Whitianga – 29 September 12 noon
Taumaranui – 6 October 12 noon
New Plymouth – 7 October
Martinborough – 2 November
Pakuranga – 29 November 7.30 pm
Southland – 30 November 12 noon
Southland – 1 December 7.30 pm
Southland – 2 December 12 noon

For more information call 09 531 5531 or email:

To subscribe to John Boscawen’s ETS newsletter, email:
with the word “Subscribe” in the subject line.

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