What if the recent oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico ... was planned (yep by W.House and BP together...)?
Sounds a bit like a conspiracy theory, doesn't it. Or is it not such a stretch?...
Just read an article which ties some really interesting information together making this suggestion perhaps not so conspiratorial as it first sounds.
Couple of key questions:
Weren't there federal (?) inspectors on rig site 10 days before explosion & leak start?
Does it seem like between all the partying and McCartney concerts, that Obumbles could care less and wants it to keep gushing? (of course besides the inappropriate 'who's ass should I kick comment' eh...)
Why did the top BP guy sell big chunk of his stocks just a few weeks before the spill?
Read "Follow the money: Rig-Gate Exposed! Rig-A-Boom! Bay of Rigs!"

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