Victor Davis Hansen suggests BHO needs "Saving ...from himself"
And oh yea: the well trotted out, lame, tired excuse of "he inherited this mess from Bush..." keeps rolling... fukryinoutloudalready...
iHateTheMedia points out re: Gulf oil disaster and lame, stalled cleanup response: "It’s not Bush’s fault: No one overseeing Deepwater Horizon was appointed by Bush"
“It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault. It’s Bush’s fault.” Are you as tired of hearing those words as we are? (yes) For example, TalkRadioNews.com reported that Nancy Pelosi blamed the Gusher in the Gulf on the former president a few weeks ago."
HELLLOOOO, MCFLY - YOU can't blame people who didn't do what you say they did:
Exhibit A from SamAdams25 (Jun 24, 01:08 PM) who says:
"Here we go again, blame it all on Bush. That's what children do, not leaders.
Obama's lack of experience and leadership, arrogance, and hypocrisy, in addition to his total disregard for the American people and the Constitution are what brought him down from his pedestal.
The vast majority of Americans reject Obama's progressive/socialist agenda to "fundamentally change America" into a third world country. Obama has proven himself not only to be a megalomaniacal liar, but the most radical leftist and corrupt president since FDR, and the most incompetent since Jimmy Carter.
Obama will lose his majority in Congress this November and be a lame-duck one-term president. Progressivism will be totally discredited for at least 50 years. Hopefully, it will take less than 10 years to undo the damage that Obama has done to this country."
Exhibit B from Bladestone (Jun 24, 10:19AM) who asks:
Who is the responsible for the following?
- Unemployment
- National debt
- Minerals Management Services' induced oil disaster
- Demoralized military personnel
- Union robbery of America
- Threats to reverse DADT and destroy U.S. military
- Threats to reverse Defense of Marriage Act
- Reverence for I'slam
- Blagojavitch (Chicago) crimes
- IrreveRanting Rev Wright lover
- Fairycan't lover
- New Black Pansies lover
- Professor Gates transparent prejudice episode
- Theft of Hispanic vote
- Selection of Silly Hilly to lead State Dept
- Betrayer of Israel
- Encouragement of i'slamic operatives
- Refusal to stop illegal invasion on border
- Disrespector of states rights-- Arizona 1070-law
- Weak and slow oil-leak response
- Inner-circle of cult followers
- HoMo sex you'll marriage invention promoter for votes
- Hater of BAIPA
- Views pregnancy (baby's) as "Mistake"
- Supporter of Planned UnParents in tha Hood, NOW, NARAL for votes
- Lover of Amnesty For Votes swindle
- Divider of citizens agenda
- Chief destroyer of hope
Surprising answer below
B'arack Hussein Obama
Nero burning says " "What do you think?" "Think" is the crucial word when a serious question is posed. My own thoughts on the TEA Party movement are that it is a popular expression by people who actually understand the basis of our founding. The Founders applied reason and objective analysis to the human experience with all types of governance. They designed a system with the individual as the supreme value, while government was to be limited in scope and power. The Founding Fathers had ample evidence that valuing the government over the rights of the individual always leads to tyranny and despotism against at least some portion of the populace. They also had no love for democracy, as this allowed the "popular will" to negate the rights of any individual or group. When the wealth is controlled by a few, the people are oppressed lest they take it. When governed by democracy, the mob steals from the productive classes, or "the rich" as they are so derisively referred. Nineteenth century America unfolded as the most productive and innovative century in human history for one reason: Ordered liberty. That is what the TEA party must restore."
From Sher Zieve "We must now enact a Declaration of Independence from Obama Tyranny"
"We-the-People have reached the point of making a decision to live under a now openly spoken-about-by-Obama tyranny or fight—once again—for the right to be free men and women. As we are being herded more and more every day into the fenced in Obama dictatorship, you—WE—must now make our choice. But, before you make your decision please remember this: To do nothing is to submit. We either choose to live in the shining city on the hill or the squalor The Obama has planned for us."
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