From 2001 Palestine - The Big Lie:
"Because there never existed a Palestinian state.
And in the entire history of nations, Jerusalem was never the capital of any country other than that of ancient Israel and modern Israel. So how can there be a claim on Jerusalem as the capital of a state that never existed?
One of the problems here is that so few people know the history of the world. Hence, lies and more lies, repeated often enough, are assumed to be facts.
I have heard many scholars, including an Arab journalist, question the very notion of a Palestinian people. What, they ask, makes a people? Well, there are four elements that define a people: language, religion, culture and cuisine. For example, the Chinese and Japanese are both Oriental. Still, they are two different peoples, because they each have a different language, a different religion, a different culture and a different cuisine.
The Palestinians speak the same language, follow the same religion, manifest the same culture and eat the same cuisine as all other Arabs. They are really Arabs who happen to live in a region called Palestine.
Palestine is not and never was the name of a country, or the name of a people."
From "Confronting Jimmy Carter’s Slander of Israel’s “Apartheid” "
"1: There’s never existed a “Palestinian State”
2: Jerusalem was never the capital of any nation other than Israel.
In fact there’s really no such thing as a Palestinian. They’re just Arabs, like all the rest. They hate Jews because their religion tells them to, and because in a matter of a few short years after modern day Israel was created, the Jews took that barren and desolate land and turned it into a bountiful and beautiful Garden of Eden growing oranges the size of basketballs. Of course by doing this, right under the Arabs’ noses, and for all the world to see, they showed the Arabs up for what they are, a culture of backwards, bigoted and racist barbarians, whose only contribution to human civilization was the invention of Algebra."
A comment on this book "History Upside Down: The Roots of Palestinian Fascism and the Myth of Israeli Aggression"
"This book was truly an eye-opener for me. I read it at one sitting, in a cafe, it was so engrossing. The author, a brilliant American-Israeli Professor of History, brings to light many little-known facts having to do with the origins of the Middle East conflict which, if they were understood, would place the affair in an entirely different perspective. As the author makes clear, the subtitle is completely apt. The Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, during the era when "Palestine" was administered as a British mandate, was in cahoots with Hitler. There were many massacres of peace-loving Jewish settlers. Also, Yasir Arafat was in the employ of the KGB, who had videotapes of him "in flagrante delicto" with boys supplied by the Romanian monster Ceaucescu from his hellish orphanages. Such FACTS, as indeed they are, give the lie to the myth of Israeli "aggression", as indeed the so-called Palestinians are nothing of the kind, i.e., they have no independent identity. It was entirely fabricated by Arafat and promoted by the Arab League as a way of delegitimatizing Israel."
From "A History of Zionism and the Creation of Israel":
"The Mandate: Zionism, the Arab Revolt and the Conflict With Britain
From the beginning of the British Mandate, Arab opposition to Zionism coalesced into organized resistance, taking the form of riots and later a revolt. The chief architects of this mischief were the Husseini clan led by Haj Amin El Husseini, the Grand Mufti. The Mufti and others convinced Palestinian Arabs that the Zionists were going to dispossess them of their lands by force, and spread false rumors that the Jews were going to desecrate the Al Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem. Riots and pogroms were instigated in 1920, 1921 and 1929 resulting in deaths and injuries in Jaffa, Hebron, Jerusalem, Motza and elsewhere. The British government increasingly understood that its promises to the Zionists and Mandate obligations were very unpopular in the Arab world."
From "Zionism on the Web":
"Mission statement - Our mission is to combat antisemitism, racism and misunderstanding by providing credible sources on Zionism and Israel that challenges the propoganda and online hate speech which seek to demonise Zionism, Israel and the Jewish people.
Our Aims - In order to fulfill our mission we seek to:
•Provide high quality original content on Israel and Zionism
•Republish high quality articles available on or off line with the authors consent
•Encourage authors of high quality article on Israel and Zionism to release them into the public domain
•Encourage students, researchers and the public to quote, use and reproduce our content with suitable acknowledgements
•Provide organise links to further high quality online references and to organisations who futher our mission statement
•Raise awareness of the importance of the internet in combatting hate
•Work with governments, community organisations and NGOs in the fight against racism and antisemitism
•Provide technical assistance to like minded organisations and web space to like minded individuals "
More on the 2000 years of persecution of Jewish people in Israel: "Israel is a victim not an aggressor in the Middle East" - A speech by Jonathan Hoffman, Co-Vice Chair of the UK's Zionist Federation at a debate by the Durham University Union, 14 May 2009
"Because there never existed a Palestinian state.
And in the entire history of nations, Jerusalem was never the capital of any country other than that of ancient Israel and modern Israel. So how can there be a claim on Jerusalem as the capital of a state that never existed?
One of the problems here is that so few people know the history of the world. Hence, lies and more lies, repeated often enough, are assumed to be facts.
I have heard many scholars, including an Arab journalist, question the very notion of a Palestinian people. What, they ask, makes a people? Well, there are four elements that define a people: language, religion, culture and cuisine. For example, the Chinese and Japanese are both Oriental. Still, they are two different peoples, because they each have a different language, a different religion, a different culture and a different cuisine.
The Palestinians speak the same language, follow the same religion, manifest the same culture and eat the same cuisine as all other Arabs. They are really Arabs who happen to live in a region called Palestine.
Palestine is not and never was the name of a country, or the name of a people."
From "Confronting Jimmy Carter’s Slander of Israel’s “Apartheid” "
"1: There’s never existed a “Palestinian State”
2: Jerusalem was never the capital of any nation other than Israel.
In fact there’s really no such thing as a Palestinian. They’re just Arabs, like all the rest. They hate Jews because their religion tells them to, and because in a matter of a few short years after modern day Israel was created, the Jews took that barren and desolate land and turned it into a bountiful and beautiful Garden of Eden growing oranges the size of basketballs. Of course by doing this, right under the Arabs’ noses, and for all the world to see, they showed the Arabs up for what they are, a culture of backwards, bigoted and racist barbarians, whose only contribution to human civilization was the invention of Algebra."
A comment on this book "History Upside Down: The Roots of Palestinian Fascism and the Myth of Israeli Aggression"
"This book was truly an eye-opener for me. I read it at one sitting, in a cafe, it was so engrossing. The author, a brilliant American-Israeli Professor of History, brings to light many little-known facts having to do with the origins of the Middle East conflict which, if they were understood, would place the affair in an entirely different perspective. As the author makes clear, the subtitle is completely apt. The Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, during the era when "Palestine" was administered as a British mandate, was in cahoots with Hitler. There were many massacres of peace-loving Jewish settlers. Also, Yasir Arafat was in the employ of the KGB, who had videotapes of him "in flagrante delicto" with boys supplied by the Romanian monster Ceaucescu from his hellish orphanages. Such FACTS, as indeed they are, give the lie to the myth of Israeli "aggression", as indeed the so-called Palestinians are nothing of the kind, i.e., they have no independent identity. It was entirely fabricated by Arafat and promoted by the Arab League as a way of delegitimatizing Israel."
From "A History of Zionism and the Creation of Israel":
"The Mandate: Zionism, the Arab Revolt and the Conflict With Britain
From the beginning of the British Mandate, Arab opposition to Zionism coalesced into organized resistance, taking the form of riots and later a revolt. The chief architects of this mischief were the Husseini clan led by Haj Amin El Husseini, the Grand Mufti. The Mufti and others convinced Palestinian Arabs that the Zionists were going to dispossess them of their lands by force, and spread false rumors that the Jews were going to desecrate the Al Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem. Riots and pogroms were instigated in 1920, 1921 and 1929 resulting in deaths and injuries in Jaffa, Hebron, Jerusalem, Motza and elsewhere. The British government increasingly understood that its promises to the Zionists and Mandate obligations were very unpopular in the Arab world."
From "Zionism on the Web":
"Mission statement - Our mission is to combat antisemitism, racism and misunderstanding by providing credible sources on Zionism and Israel that challenges the propoganda and online hate speech which seek to demonise Zionism, Israel and the Jewish people.
Our Aims - In order to fulfill our mission we seek to:
•Provide high quality original content on Israel and Zionism
•Republish high quality articles available on or off line with the authors consent
•Encourage authors of high quality article on Israel and Zionism to release them into the public domain
•Encourage students, researchers and the public to quote, use and reproduce our content with suitable acknowledgements
•Provide organise links to further high quality online references and to organisations who futher our mission statement
•Raise awareness of the importance of the internet in combatting hate
•Work with governments, community organisations and NGOs in the fight against racism and antisemitism
•Provide technical assistance to like minded organisations and web space to like minded individuals "
More on the 2000 years of persecution of Jewish people in Israel: "Israel is a victim not an aggressor in the Middle East" - A speech by Jonathan Hoffman, Co-Vice Chair of the UK's Zionist Federation at a debate by the Durham University Union, 14 May 2009

Does Israel have friendly neighbors? ... I think not
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