HEY Republicans and Independents: BE AWARE. Whistle blower and previous ACORN insider Anita MonCrief reports ACORN creepy crawlies are baaaack looking to infest all the trees of democracy in YOUR neighborhood come Nov 2010 elections.
Apparently they've planted more larvae and rebranded their species as the infested W.House regime financially backed 'Organizing for America' gang of weevils.

nasty little (huge) sucking proboscus on an Acorn Weevil
From "Obama, ACORN and Stealth Socialism" May 29, 2010 by Anita MonCrief on HotAir.A bit about her indoctrination into stealth socialism the ACORN way:
"Working for ACORN/Project Vote facilitated my crossing the “socialist”threshold and I had become what insiders termed “one of the true believers.” True believers were instrumental in the survival of ACORN and the process of making an employee a true believer began on the very first day.
Inside ACORN offices across the country, young, idealistic liberals were being ingrained with the Saul Alinsky style of Organizing. Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals was never mentioned by name, but Alinsky’s tactics were used on employees and ACORN members.
ACORN’s strategy of stealth socialism was aimed at gaining power through duplicity and somewhat assimilating into society. Alinsky, the “father of community organizing,” taught that the path to power necessitated the use of people who would serve as pawns. "

Acorn weevil implanting larvae... or maybe just finished
A bit about the Cloward-Piven strategy used in 2008 (and in the works again for 2010 of course):
"That spending binge is more like a bender now because ACORN, recognizing the past mistakes of other radical groups like Weather Underground and Students for a Democratic Society decided the best way to gain power as was to pass unnoticed in mainstream America. Radicals like Frances Fox Piven and her husband Richard A. Cloward retreated into the world of Academia where they penned papers on Socialism peppered with Alinsky tactics and a new name: The Cloward-Piven strategyOn May 2, 1966, Columbia’s Professor of Social Work Richard A. Cloward, and his then research associate Frances Fox Piven, wrote a pivotal article in The Nation, articulating “a strategy to end poverty.”
In what became known as the Cloward-Piven strategy, the article argued a revolutionary approach to mobilizing the poor in the form of class warfare against capitalist forces viewed as exploiting labor and oppressing the poor.
David Horowitz, a long-time student of leftist political movements in the United States, characterized the Cloward-Piven strategy as seeking “to hasten the fall of capitalism by overloading the government bureaucracy with a flood of impossible demands, thus pushing society into crisis and economic collapse.”
Cloward and Piven argued a “guaranteed annual income” should be established as an entitlement for the poor, a right the poor could assert and demand to be paid.” "
A bit about government planned take over of energy through crap and tax:
"Obama’s agenda mirrors the ACORN People’s Platform as evidenced by a review of the healthcare and energy sections of the platform. On healthcare, the ACORN’s socialist people’s platform wants to “require the federal government to provide for the health care needs of recent immigrants. ACORN’s position on Energy shows shades of Cap and Trade with goals like:
Prevent any single corporation or conglomerate from owning major interest in more than one of the following resources: oil, natural gas, nuclear energy, solar energy, and coal; or more than one of the following categories: source, refinery, shipping, or outlet.” "
SOUND FAMILIAR YET? BHO is FULLY involved with ACORNs plans & following the Alinsky and Cloward-Piven strategies....
OK, that was a bit of background. Anita's June 7th 2010 BigGovernment column "Organizing for America and the DNC: ACORN 2.0" fully warns the USA of the infestation:
"If elections were like football games, this would be your two minute warning. All of the passion, energy and renewed interest in politics that propelled the tea party movement of 2009 opens the door to a new level of involvement. As patriot groups around the country prepare for the November 2010 elections, a quiet force has been building behind the scenes."
She has DONOR LISTS & screenshots of: "... the email Gillette sent to ACORN.org email addresses containing the Democratic National Committee, the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee."
Uh huh... yep, pushing the LEFT VOTING eh W.House? What, no even distribution of TAX PAYER MONEY for both Replublican and Democrat parties? Damn strait: W.House will have NONE of that thanks...
Lastly Anita warns: "Conservatives, what are you doing this Saturday? If you want to win in November, it should be attending one of those kickoff parties or other OFA events. OFA, it’s the new ACORN. Learn who they are and how they operate. Click here to find an event near you or to sign up for their updates. If the OFA can continue to organize to pass Obama’s agenda and maintain the Congressional majorities, and all of the momentum of the past year and a half will be lost."
Get involved Republicans and Independents: time for PEST CONTROL is NOW
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