From Christopher Chantrill at American Thinker "Mr. (*putative) President, you're stuck on stupid" (*I will never call this guy the American potus: he's a usurper!)
"It is true that liberalism is cruel, corrupt, wasteful, and unjust. But one should never forget its delusion. The delusion is a simple one. It is a belief that government can be made rational and efficient. This delusion leads our liberal friends into disaster after disaster.
Liberals were shocked that President Bush failed to get everyone tucked up in bed in a couple of days after Hurricane Katrina. They knew that a rational and efficient government, run by people like them who believed in government, could do better.
Now President Obama is busy proving them wrong.
Unfortunately, conservatives aren't helping. In pointing out the serious lapses in the president's leadership qualities, we conservatives are missing the point. We are encouraging liberals in their delusion. Instead, we should remind everyone that of course a bunch of corporate bureaucrats, combined with a bunch of government bureaucrats, are going to be a bit off the mark.
A bit of presidential leadership might have made a difference, we could have said, but not much. The president brings the talents and experience of twenty years in left-wing organizing to the presidency. In that school, the attitude, the gesture, is all-important. So obviously he's not going to be much help in a crisis.
But leader or no leader, it takes time to plug a hole -- especially a hole under five thousand feet of water.
The big problem for the president is that the Gulf oil spill is his fourth major presidential mistake. The first big mistake was the $787-billion stimulus package. The second was the appeasement of thug dictators, Islamist and leftist. The third mistake was ObamaCare. The fourth is the Gulf.
(The bailouts of the auto industry I count as merely a crime, an assault and battery on the principle of private property and senior creditors, the very foundation of our freedom and prosperity.)
The horrifying thing is that we Americans can't afford all these mistakes. We can't afford a president stuck on stupid."
From Michelle Malkin "Stuck on stupid: Obama’s czar fetish" June 15, 2010 11:25 PM
"In his widely-panned, bloodless Oval Office address Tuesday night (did I call this last month or what!?), President Obama tapped his Navy Secretary Ray Mabus as the new oil spill recovery czar. Doesn’t he have enough to do leading the Navy? More to the point, as my latest column below points out, don’t we have enough czars and bureaucrats tripping over each other for Gulf headlines and photo-ops already?
Meanwhile, Mark Knoller reports that Obama is scheduled to finally meet with BP execs tomorrow at 10:15am…for a whopping 20 minutes. Where is the ass-kicking czar?"
HA HA HA... Michelle, obviously WE THE PEOPLE are the ass-kicking czars and czar-ettes.
Also from M.Malkin "More stuck on stupid: EPA vs. the Dutch" June 16, 2010
"Fact: It took over 50 days to get an EPA waiver to bring Dutch skimmers into action. ***
In other news, the EPA is trying to reassure Americans that the massive cap-and-tax energy hikes won’t hurt them all. Just trust them? Fat chance. "
And, if you convinced "alternative energy" such as wind, solar or geothermal is the ANSWER for earth, think again:
From "The Oil Drum: Europe" who asks "Renewables to the rescue?":
"The chart below shows that global primary energy production is running at about 11,000 million tonnes oil equivalent (MMTOE) per year and that the 50 MMTOE provided by renewables is barely significant - it is the skinny red line marked by the big red arrow."

Their data is, ironically from a study BP did last year. (hmmmmm.....)
OK, seriously what about the much loved WIND TURBINES? Lefty-collectivists LOVE them! J.Delingpole discusses today at post "The Great Wind Farm Disaster continued" or perhaps some comments from a German blogger P Gosselin can shed some light:
About Spain: "Take a look at socialist Spain, for example. Driven by a green ideology, and all the promises it brings, Spain went ahead and subsidised wind and solar energy with unbridled abandon, thinking it could create thousands of new green jobs and usher in the next economic wonder.
Well, it has. But not the kind of wonder a sane person welcomes. Today Spain is bankrupt and unemployment is at (twenty) 20%. Spain has since been forced to drastically cut its subsidies, and the solar bubble has popped. Spain is now begging other countries for a bailout."
And the awesome plans for Germany?
"In Germany green laws have been passed that will cost hundreds of billions of euros over the next 15 years, all based on the bogus claim they protect the climate. According to EIKE:
These billions burden the economy in 2 ways: 1) They lead to higher electricity rates for producers, meaning their products become more expensive, and 2) lead higher energy bills for consumers, and thus less buying power. Eventually this will choke the German economy and its growth, which eventually will hit already strapped governments fiscally. Absolute foolery."
These billions burden the economy in 2 ways: 1) They lead to higher electricity rates for producers, meaning their products become more expensive, and 2) lead higher energy bills for consumers, and thus less buying power. Eventually this will choke the German economy and its growth, which eventually will hit already strapped governments fiscally. Absolute foolery."
Oooops.... Why does America want to be like Europe again?!
Excellent article,I bet you prepared a lot for this article and I totally agree with your points. Phrase-of-the-week = "stuck on stupid" !This picture really matchs this article, I like it.
thanks for stopping by graceanna... :)