CitizenWells is closely following the Blago trial and states: "The information in the wiretaps released thus far is enough to remove Obama from office."
Coverage at BackYard Conservative and Chicago Sun Times is covering the Blago case here: "The Blago Blog" with transcripts of the "secret tapes".
Will this trial result in enough information to impeach the "O"? And even if it does, would someone have the balls to file impeachment charges? Can someone usurping the W.House even be impeached? Questions... questions... lots of questions...
Illinois and Chicago need to PURGE THE CORRUPTION... Purge the Blago and purge the O.
What say you Chicago?
***UPDATE: today from a comment at GatewayPundit, (Kathy from Kansas June 27th, 2010 7:01 pm #43 ) the topic of impeachment is discussed. Check out a 27 page paper outlining it here.
"The Case for Impeachment - Why Barack Obama Needs to be Impeached in Order to Save America" By Steven Baldwin - Introduction:
"When some people hear there’s a movement to persuade Congress to impeach President Barack Obama, they often dismiss it as a joke. But it is no longer a laughing matter. With the economy continuing to implode, Obama’s weak and naïve response to the world-wide Jihadist threat, the coming collapse of the dollar, high unemployment rates, the government takeover of entire industries and the ongoing frontal assault on our Judeo-Christian heritage, the impeachment option must now be seriously considered. Many Americans wrongly assume that impeachment requires that an actual crime be committed.
"When some people hear there’s a movement to persuade Congress to impeach President Barack Obama, they often dismiss it as a joke. But it is no longer a laughing matter. With the economy continuing to implode, Obama’s weak and naïve response to the world-wide Jihadist threat, the coming collapse of the dollar, high unemployment rates, the government takeover of entire industries and the ongoing frontal assault on our Judeo-Christian heritage, the impeachment option must now be seriously considered. Many Americans wrongly assume that impeachment requires that an actual crime be committed.
But impeachment can be unrelated to any offence in criminal law. The reality is that our nation’s founders were concerned that America would some day have a president who may not commit an actual crime but whose behavior and policies are so detrimental to America’s interests they cause irreparable damage to the country. Some people will argue that impeachment is necessary because that’s what elections are for. But our founders were obviously worried that by the time elections were held, the damage done by an out of control President would be irreparable. Thus, the founders gave us the impeachment option as a way to remove a president mid-term in order to minimize the damage to the country.
But impeachment can be unrelated to any offence in criminal law. The reality is that our nation’s founders were concerned that America would some day have a president who may not commit an actual crime but whose behavior and policies are so detrimental to America’s interests they cause irreparable damage to the country. Some people will argue that impeachment is necessary because that’s what elections are for. But our founders were obviously worried that by the time elections were held, the damage done by an out of control President would be irreparable. Thus, the founders gave us the impeachment option as a way to remove a president mid-term in order to minimize the damage to the country.
Indeed, our founders inserted language into the Constitution that gave Congress the power to impeach the president for “treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors.” “High crimes and misdemeanors” is an old English Common Law phrase which, in the 1600s, meant negligence, abuse of power, and abuse of trust. In modern terms this can be translated to mean incompetent leadership that imperils the country. Indeed, some have interpreted this phrase so broadly that it can mean just about anything. As former president Gerald Ford stated, an impeachable offense is, “whatever a majority of the House of Representatives considers it to be at a given moment in history.”
We believe it is necessary to impeach a president if his policies and actions have so endangered and weakened the country that his removal is essential in order for the country to survive. Not only has the Obama administration promoted dangerous and unsustainable policies but it has also engaged in corrupt and illegal activities such as bribery, a crime the founders specifically cited as an impeachable offense. Moreover, this report details numerous instances of Obama lying to the American people, a pattern which clearly indicate a character defect that in itself endangers America. Given this, we believe impeachment is necessary for the future survival of America."
We believe it is necessary to impeach a president if his policies and actions have so endangered and weakened the country that his removal is essential in order for the country to survive. Not only has the Obama administration promoted dangerous and unsustainable policies but it has also engaged in corrupt and illegal activities such as bribery, a crime the founders specifically cited as an impeachable offense. Moreover, this report details numerous instances of Obama lying to the American people, a pattern which clearly indicate a character defect that in itself endangers America. Given this, we believe impeachment is necessary for the future survival of America."
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