Wednesday, October 13, 2010

About the "hate filled rhetoric", huh?

Protest signs: right v left
Can you tell which is which?
This post is for a Mr. "Canterbury Atheist" who likes to fling leftist mud and dribble over at Trevor's awesome NewZeal site.
Take a look at the SIGNS above (2 examples) and at Heretics Crusade. Compare calm, yet quite angry and determined T.E.A. party rallies versus the venomous want-to-burn stuff and kill(!?) Bush leftist protestors.
Can you tell WHICH group's signs have the actual "hate filled rhetoric"? (ooops, guess what, if its not obvious, you are a victim of leftist brain washing: seek help!)
... end of today's lesson


  1. There is more selective outrage (i. e.,hypocrisy) on the so-called "Left" or "Liberals" than on the so-called "Right" or "Conservatives". Power and intolerance are their main objectives.Most people want to be left the ef alone to raise their families,etc. I look at it as a struggle between Control Freaks and Individual Freedom. Notice how these nosey "do-gooder" jerks ALWAYS have a messy personal life?

  2. good point, tjones... I think when people are happy, have love, caring people in their lives and happy relationships and morality, they tend to live by more conservative principles... of course I'm generalizing, but leftists seem to be very unhappy - always wanting money for their supposed victimhood.

    bootstraps = pull.them.up

  3. Thanks for the Mention!
    Heretics Crusade is not about Right vs. Left, it is about exposing partisanship that gets in the way of Classic Liberal Republican Democracy as envisioned by Jefferson, Franklin and others but brought up to date with the reality of a small planet where isolationism is not an option.

    Viva Jefferson, Paine, Locke and Burke!

  4. thanks for stopping by, Guy...

    I'll all for the American Republic remaining a Republic! :)

    Too many existing constitutional laws are being ignored or twisted fraudulently (sp?) by elite 'rulers' squatting in Washington right now...

    battle on
