saucy: Adjective [saucier, sauciest]
1. cheeky or slightly rude in an amusing and light-hearted way
2. jaunty and boldly smart
Saturday, May 15, 2010
YouCut program from Republican Eric Cantor
What should the federal government cut on spending? ... or do ya wanna end up bankrupt (like Greece)? Give the Republicans your ideas at YouCut. I bet there are a lot of Americans with more economic and fiscal common sense than the current bunch in the W.House, eh? How do you live YOUR life? Spend more and more money you DON'T have - or do you CUT something as not needed from your household budget? You know you do this. Now think NATIONALLY. What should the FEDS cut? Or do you want America to be the nanny socialist-commie-marxist regime the current batch of numbskulls are trying to turn it into? If you're unemployed, then GET OFF THE COMPUTER, out off momma's basement and GET A JOB! You can find one if you think out of the box and put your mind to it. You found THIS blog somehow so you must have a braincell or two working... now get out there. (me? I have a full time job thanks! I blog to vent... why are YOU wasting time online if you're umployed if its not to help yourself get a job?)
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