Friday, May 14, 2010

Sarah continues to dazzle 'em - even in Chicago

Sarah Palin is in the news a lot, isn't she? Her star power hasn't diminished and since losing Nov 2008, quitting as governor of Alaska and the full onslaught of leftists attacks... Nope, she continues to be more and more popular... funny that...

Will she run for president in 2012 or 2016? The guys at think so. She recently dazzled her audience at the Rosemont Arena just outside Chicago, IL. (And you thought everyone in Chicago continues to drink the BHO-regime koolaid? HA! You are incorrect...)

Some insightful and inspiring words from HillBuzz Ronald Reagan was born in Illinois — and so was Sarah Palin’s 2012 presidential campaign. Our analysis of Palin’s Rosemont and Washington speeches:

"When she comes to places like Rosemont and Washington, she comes to speak, but not in the droning tone of professorial Obama descended from styrofoam-pillored Olympus with his edicts of the day, acolytes scattering lotus flowers at his feet and pouring sweet nectar of Lethe into poisoned chalices for the ignorant to drink. No, Palin’s not a pretender, a poser, not someone who spent countless hours listening to tapes of Jeremiah Wright’s fiery speeches to learn the cadences he’d need to sell his snake oil with maximum theatrics. Palin is not Obama the Lightbringer, the ethereal and magical being whom Oprah crowned “The One” and legions of cultish admirers paint astride unicorns in twisted fan art and hero worship. And that’s just the Nobel Prize committee.

Palin’s still very much the concerned mom who came to her first PTA meeting with something to say, and a plan of action for taking charge and making things better in her small town in Alaska. That same spirit echoed through everything she did after running for City Council, becoming Mayor, serving on the Oil and Gas Commission, and then leading the nation’s largest state as its chief executive. Governor Palin never lost that common touch, because no matter how high the office to which she was elected, Palin was just a mom looking out for not only her own kids, but the kids of all the other moms and dads in her constituency.

She is not, and doesn’t want to be, a prophet.

She does not pretend to be a Lightbringer.

Whatever that is.

She will never be painted upon a unicorn or called anything by Oprah that’s fit for print.

She’s just Sarah Heath Palin, and when she stands before a crowd of thousands, it’s like listening to a favorite aunt, or one of our friends’ moms, taking the microphone for a minute and delivering her message in a clear and concise way everyone in the room can understand. She’s not there to read poetry or to conjure fantastical, oratorial imagery to razzle, dazzle, and ultimately bewilder her audience. Palin’s there with one mission: to tell it like it is, whether you particularly like that or not, and then give you her best reasoned options for making the mess we’re in better. It’s all so little Trig and Piper, and all the other kids out there she’s looking out for, won’t have to inherit whatever crisis someone like Obama thinks it’s appropriate to push upon the future to solve. There’s no generational theft on Palin’s watch. No sir. You betcha."


And as Reagan once said "Government isn’t the solution to the problem, it is the problem”.

HillBuzz goes on "Sarah Palin, practically alone in the Republican Party, is charged with the task of reminding us how simple a fact this is. Certainly no man in the GOP has the guts to stand up and shout this obvious truth. It takes a mom from Wasilla to say what needs to be said.

Palin illustrates in her speeches how revelatory simplicity can be, and how much power an ordinary woman or man yields when they just can’t take it any more, when they stand up to be heard, and they challenge the Left at every turn." Read the rest of this AWESOME column HERE.

Wow. Great column. The Boyz get her. Just like the millions of Americans who understand her common sense appeal. She is not 'perfect' but noone is.

Perhaps "Sarah Palin: Dumb like Reagan?" is true. From last Dec 2009, Caleb at Western Journalism reminds us "On November 2, 2008, Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin and presidential candidate John McCain lost the national election to Barack Obama and Joe Biden. Yet throughout the campaign, Palin’s words, rather than McCain’s, jolted the conservative base of the Republican Party from its slumber. From her speech at the Republican National Convention on September 3, 2008, to the “common sense” solutions she’s prescribing for America’s ills while on her book tour, many of the people listening to Palin think they’re hearing the woman who will be a presidential candidate in 2012.

Reagan had been a Hollywood actor in Westerns before entering politics, and the media never allowed him to escape the stigma of being a “dumb cowboy.” To them he was B actor who became a C president in 1980, pushing a domestic agenda based on shrinking the size of government and a foreign policy that supposedly made America the laughingstock of the world. (Remember how pundits gasped when Reagan called the Soviet Union an “evil empire,” and again when he called “Communism a form of insanity”?)

But a funny thing happened on the way to Reagan’s bid for re-election. To the media’s chagrin, it became obvious that the “dumb cowboy” was deeply beloved by the citizens of this nation. He beat Walter Mondale in the greatest landslide victory in American history by taking every state but one on election night."

Is Sarah also "deeply beloved by the citizens of this nation"? Oh, just wait and see...

Here's a clue: her 2nd book "America by Heart : Reflections on Family, Faith, and Flag" is NOT due out for 6 months yet the PRE-orders are STILL flowing in at Amazon.

Apparently, she can SELL a book - without it even being finished!

Mmm mmm mmmmm (gonna need more popcorn to watch the 'lefty-heads-continue-to-explode' show... guess ol' goofball anger-raging Greg I discussed yesterday was right; SHE IS the gift that keeps on giving! Just NOT the way he thinks! braaa ha ha ha ha...)

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