Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Nap time... on your dime?
FL mosque caught sending funds to HAMAS terrorists

"On August 31, this coming Tuesday, the Muslim Brotherhood-associated “Coordinating Council of Muslim Organizations” (CCMO) will bring 25-30 Muslim leaders of 20 national Muslim groups to attend a special workshop presented by the White House and U.S. Government agencies (Agriculture, Education, Homeland Security, Health and Human Services etc.) to provide the groups “funding, government assistance and resources.” The workshop will apparently provide special access for these Muslim Brotherhood organizations: the organizers pledge to provide “direct access” and “cut through red tape.” Government and Muslim groups will hold an Iftar dinner (breaking the fast of Ramadan) after the workshop."
"CCMO – the Coordinating Council of Muslim Organizations – is co-sponsoring the August 31 event with the Department of Agriculture. CCMO has deep and broad ties, possibly dating since 1987, to the Muslim Brotherhood.
The issue: If the Obama administration is preferencing one religion over others for special workshops, “direct access” and cutting red tape for financial assistance, that’s not only wrong, it may be unconstitutional; combining the funding workshop with an Iftar dinner just makes it worse.
One solution: Cancel this meeting, and schedule one for all religious organizations. If government grants are to be given to religious groups (a policy some question, but set that aside here), then all grant applicants of all religions, including Muslims should be treated equally. And if Muslim social service groups attend, they should be ones without ties to the Muslim Brotherhood or other Islamist groups dedicated to imposing Shariah law in the U.S.
An alternate solution: Keep the event as currently planned – apparently arranged and dominated by CCMO – but open it up to the media (including network, cable, radio, Big Peace, bloggers, etc.) as well as organizations with expertise on the Muslim Brotherhood, like the Investigative Project, the Middle East Forum, NEFA Foundation, Hudson Institute, the Center for Security Policy and many others. Let the sunshine in…"
Monday, August 30, 2010
Dr. Wafa Sultan: Sharia not compatible with Western civilization
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Beck, Palin, Dr. Alveda King & others at 'Restore Honor' rally

Freedom's Lighthouse has videos of Sarah Palin's speech
"Update II: Uh-oh, in spite of hundreds of thousands of peaceful patriots converging on Washington who will probably leave the place as clean or cleaner than they found it, the MSM already has their lead story for tonight: Tea Party vandals invade nation’s capital (HUH?!)
Update III: Equal time — CNN’s live coverage of Al Sharpton’s rally. It’s a more intimate setting.
Update IV: Via Sister Toldjah, the New York Times is already spinning this as the Tea Party “claiming MLK’s mantle.” They’re hardly “claiming” Dr. King’s mantle — but maybe sharing it. And isn’t that what King’s message was all about?"
Friday, August 27, 2010
Palin picking candidates - 20 of 30 win so far

The Washington Post has a "Palin tracker". Of 42 candidates endorsed, so far 20 won 10 lost (& 12 still upcoming). 20 out of 30 so far? Pretty good. HA! No wonder lefties are petrified of her! Her picks are WINNING...

Even a liberal writer at TPM states "Why Sarah Palin's Endorsements Really Are That Big A Deal" and called her a "kingmaker".
Maggie's Notebook: Palin Endorsed Joe Miller Wins Seat for Senate from Alaska
Commentary magazine: Sarah's certain type of genius
Reaganite Republican points out: "GOP Primary Turnout Best Since 1926 . . . as America Moves to the Right"
Did you doubt it? I didn't... Go Sarah! Go momma grizzlies! Go grandmas!
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
CA set to open Sharia College, WTF?

From Nov 2009 Jihad Watch:
An Armenian who had embraced Islamism [i.e., Islam] had returned to his former faith. For his apostasy he was condemned to death according to the Mohammedan law.
"Even in that purely mythical paragon of Islamic ecumenism, Andalusia, Charles Emmanuel Dufourcq, a pre-eminent scholar of Muslim Spain, observed that the myriad religious and legal discriminations suffered by non-Muslim dhimmis (i.e., the non-Muslim Iberian populations vanquished by jihad, and governed by Islamic law, Shari’a), included lethal punishments for “blaspheming” the Muslim prophet, or the Koran: “[For] having insulted the Prophet or blasphemed against the Word of God (i.e., The Koran)-dhimmis were executed.” "
You insult Mohammad, you die (NO CARTOONS ALLOWED!)
Examples of Shariah Law include the following: (from the authoritative source Reliance of the Traveller, The Sacred Manual of Islamic Law)
1.Requirement of women to obtain permission from husbands for daily freedoms;
2.Beating of disobedient woman and girls;
3.Execution of homosexuals;
4.Engagement of polygamy and forced child marriages;
5.Requirement of the testimony of four male witnesses to prove rape;
6.Stoning of adulteresses;
7.Lashing of adulterers;
8.Amputation of body for criminal offenses;
9.Female genital mutilation;
10.Capital punishment for those who slander or insult Islam;
11.Execution of apostates, or those that leave the religion of Islam
12.Inferior status for all non-Muslims, known as Dhimmitude.
13.Concept of Taquiyya: A Muslim may lie or deceive others to advance the cause of Islam.
Some additional details from the "Religion of Peace (and a whole stack of dead bodies" as discussed recently by iOwnTheWorld:
83,000 persons murdered by Islamic terrorists in just the last 8.5 years.
Put the Numbers in Perspective:
More people are killed by Islamists each year than in all 350 years of the Spanish Inquisition combined.
Islamic terrorists murder more people every day than the Ku Klux Klan has in the last 50 years.
More civilians were killed by Muslim extremists in two hours on September 11th than in the 36 years of sectarian conflict in Northern Ireland.
19 Muslim hijackers killed more innocents in two hours on September 11th than the number of American criminals executed in the last 65 years.
"Not only are US Mosques teaching and preaching Sharia Law, now our government is foolishly allowing a Sharia “college” to open. I say foolishly because Sharia is what the enemy wants to impose on us, and allowing it to be taught here in America, is the equivalent to allowing Nazis to have their own US schools during WWII. Not only do we have to end all Muslim immigration, we also need to ban Sharia Law. Then arrest and deport if possible, any Muslim who calls for Sharia."
Monday, August 23, 2010
Detailed SOLUTIONS for America from Heritage

Government policies have stifled domestic energy production while pouring billions of public dollars into alternative energy subsidies, reflecting the elitist, “progressive” faith that bureaucrats can pick winners and losers better than private markets. As a result, energy is too expensive and we have grown too dependent on foreign sources. And now, unelected bureaucrats have been empowered to stipulate what health services we will purchase and how and from whom we will receive them.
Excessive government intervention not only limits individual freedoms, it stifles entrepreneurial creativity and job creation, locks the poor into a lifetime of dependency and poverty, and limits the ability of hard-working Americans to enjoy upward mobility. Moreover, the federal government now dominates in spheres of activity traditionally reserved to the states, leaving little or no room for state-level innovation in policy areas such as education, transportation, health care, welfare, and even law enforcement.
- Changing America’s Course
- Restoring the U.S. to a Free Economy
- The Entitlement Crisis
- Reining in Runaway Spending and Deficits
- Tax Reform
- Meeting America’s Energy and Environmental Needs
- The Unsustainable Growth of Welfare
- Making Federal Policy Marriage-Friendly
- The Rising Tide of Red Tape
- Re-embracing Federalism
- Revitalizing Federal Highway Transportation Policy
- Education Reform
- Getting Health Care Reform Right
- The Federalization of Homeland Security
- Overcriminalization
- Civil Justice Reform
- The Role of the Courts
- Ensure that Congress Follows the Constitution
- A Conservative Foreign Policy
- The Building Blocks of a Strong National Defense
- The Threat of Nuclear Weapons
- Holding Terrorists Accountable
- Developing a Strong Border and Immigration Policy

If humans are smart enough to create amazing scientific machinery capable of sending man to the moon or creating a "LHC" (Large Hadron Collider - the world's largest particle accelerator) pictured above, surely there are brains in America who can solve the problems being foisted upon her by the current statist regime run amok in Washington. Heritage and VDH are onto something...
America could use some Ermey therapy
Their weeeee wittle feelings are always hurt. WAAAAaaaaa!
Who flippin' cares if your 'feelings' are hurt, does anything happen?
NOooo! Anyway, too many nambi pambis are running Washington right now.
We need more common sense and tough drill sargents in charge... Example A:
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Glass half full: suggestions to save America
From Pajamas Media, Victor Davis Hansen has some ideas on how to save America:
- A flat income tax would save trillions through simplification and greater compliance.
- End academic tenure. It was designed to promote free speech, and ended up ensuring coerced uniformity of thought.
- Raise the Social Security retirement age; if we live far longer and are healthier, why draw retirement at the same old age?
- Start encouraging natural gas usage for transportation. It is a clean, abundant transportation fuel that would save us billions in decreased imported oil fees, and would increase jobs. We should build ten nuclear reactors a year, especially if we are to charge hybrid and electric cars.
- Don’t cut defense. Eighteen-year olds come out four years later better educated and disciplined by the military than most on federal loans who stretch out the undergraduate years to their mid- or late-twenties. America has never regretted being overarmed; in 1860, 1917, 1939, 1950, and 1980, it regretted greatly vast cutbacks in military preparedness.
- End affirmative action. Given intermarriage and the diversity of races and tribes, it is beginning to look like the racial codes of the Old South. Can someone tell me why the third-generation light skinned half-Mexican-American with a last name of Lopez qualifies and second-generation darker Tarsam Singh does not? An entire class of operators has mastered the system and created a level of cynicism that erodes public confidence.
- Insist on a national exit test for BA degrees. A simple test of common knowledge would do. When Johnny does not know what the Parthenon is, but thinks Harriet Tubman, not Grant and Sherman, won the Civil war, we are in deep trouble.
- Provide incentives for clean living. Those who are on federal assistance or Medicare, should receive bonuses for weight control, good blood pressure, and not smoking—either increased benefits or reduced copayments.
- Build the fence, fine employers who hire illegal aliens, and beef up security. Without an influx of illegal aliens, the pool is static, and the formidable forces of assimilation begin to work while we fight over amnesty, guest workers, remittances, and anchor babies.
- Freeze federal spending and insist on revenue neutral, pay as you go, new legislation.
The commentators have some good suggestions as well. From TLM:
- Insist on exit tests for High School diplomas.
- Close the Department of Education.
- Repeal ObamaCare.
- Print all government materials, ballots, driver’s ed tests etc in English only.
- Repeal Title IX.
- Rewrite all federal laws, statutes, and regulations. New rules must be specific not vague, must be 200 pages or less in length, and must be published online in proposed form 60 days prior to congressional vote.
- Eliminate congressional option to abstain, vote present or skip voting on any and all proposed legislation.
- Ban all congressmen/senators and department secretaries from lobbying the federal government for 5 years after leaving federal service.
- Impose term limits.
- Eliminate all federal, state, and local government employee unions.
Good stuff...
Friday, August 20, 2010
Find out about your candidates for Nov 2010
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Only 50 impeachable crimes?
Canada Free Press outlines 50 impeachable crimes and counting...
Here are 10 of 'em:
- Convicted felon and Chicago real estate developer Tony Rezko’s purchase of land adjacent to Obama’s house in Hyde Park, IL. In 2006, Rezko sold a 10 foot strip of his property to Obama for $104,500, rendering the remainder of Rezko’s $625,000 investment too small to be developed and, for all intents and purposes, worthless.
- The provision of Obama campaign donor lists to ACORN in 2007 and 2008, more complete than the ones he gave to the FEC. ACORN used the lists to raise money for Obama’s election from donors who had already maxed out their legally allowable contributions.
- Widespread voter fraud including voter intimidation, ballot stuffing, falsified documents, and threats of violence against Hillary Clinton supporters committed by the Obama campaign and ACORN during the 2008 Democrat primary election. For more information see my CFP article How Obama Used an Army of Thugs to Steal the 2008 Democratic Party Nomination.
- Obama’s refusal to release his long form birth certificate which would show conclusively that he is a dual citizen and therefore not constitutionally eligible to serve as President. Obama’s college records, which have also not been released, would also contain information regarding his dual citizenship status.
- Protecting union interests over those of GM and Chrysler bond holders during bankruptcy proceedings, forcing investors to accept millions of dollars in losses in direct violation of bankruptcy laws, money to which they were legally entitled.
- Preferential treatment given to minority and women owned car dealerships by Obama administration officials as part of the auto industry bailout program and the forced closing of a disproportionate number of dealerships located in rural areas that did not vote for Obama.
- Unsubstantiated firing of Corporation for National and Community Service Inspector General Gerald Walpin for exposing Sacramento Mayor and Obama supporter Kevin Johnson’s misuse of an $850,000 AmeriCorps grant.
- Purchase of Congressional support for the passage of Obama’s healthcare bill including the “Cornhusker Kickback”, “Louisiana Purchase” and having the Department of Interior increase water allocations to the Central Valley of California to secure the votes of Democrat Reps. Dennis Cardoza and Jim Costa.
- Lying to the American people by promising they could keep their healthcare coverage if they wanted to, when in reality tens of millions will be forced out of their current plans.
- Attempted bribery of Rep. Joe Sestak with job offers to get him to drop out of the Senate primary race against Sen. Arlen Specter.
Sept 12, 2010 Taxpayer March on Washington V2.0

Freedom Works sponsoring another Sept 12 march this year:
"We are organizing another huge 9/12 Taxpayer March on Washington. In 2009 we rallied hundreds of thousands of people and marched right up to the capitol building in Washington. This year, we are coming back in full force, and we will be focused on one message - Remember in November!"
Sept 11, 2010 protest NYC ground zero mosque
NZ Dr. Newman highlights the dark underbelly of welfare

Dr. Muriel Newman discusses the dark underbelly of NZ welfare:
"The underclass is the dark underbelly of New Zealand ’s welfare system: unskilled, uneducated, teenage girls getting pregnant and going on welfare to raise children fathered by transient partners who have no intention of ever taking any responsibility for the mother or the child. Tragically, all too many of these children end up being shaken or molested, bashed or neglected, often ending up in state care. Denied proper love, care, and protection, as well as adequate healthcare and a decent education, a large proportion of these children gravitate to gangs and onto welfare, unable to escape from the deadly grip of the dependency cycle they were born into.
Entrenched long term welfare dependency is the scourge of our society. Permitted to destroy the life opportunities of generations of children, it is a real blight on New Zealand ’s social policy record. And while successive governments must share culpability for the magnitude of this problem, at last there is a faint glimmer of hope that something might be done to address this scandal.
The Welfare Working Group, established by the government in April to conduct a wide ranging review of New Zealand ’s welfare system has been looking at the problem of long-term welfare benefit dependency. Asked to come up with some recommendations (by the end of the year) on ways to turn around the growing benefit numbers and poor social and economic outcomes, the Working Group was asked to consider a wide range of issues: how long-term benefit dependency can be reduced and work outcomes improved; how to promote opportunities and independence from benefits for disabled people and people with ill health; how welfare should be funded; and whether the structure of the benefit system and hardship assistance in particular, is contributing to long-term benefit dependency.[2]
Last week, the Working Group released an Issues Paper outlining the results of their initial investigations. It does not paint an optimistic picture of the state of New Zealand ’s welfare system."
Stats of New Zealanders on the dole:
"As at the end of April, over 365,000 working aged people were receiving welfare benefits - one in eight of the working age population. Of those, around 75,000 were on the dole, 66,000 were receiving a sickness benefit, 96,000 an invalid’s benefit, 108,000 the domestic purposes benefit, 6,000 a widow’s benefit, 3,000 an emergency benefit, and over 2,000 teenage mothers were receiving an emergency maintenance allowance (the sole parent benefit available for those who do not qualify for the DPB - girls who are too young, new immigrants and so on). While these figures included the 13,800 partners of people receiving one of the main benefits, there were an additional 14,000 people under the age of 18 and over 65 who were also receiving full benefits, bringing the total number of welfare recipients to 370,000."
So if NZ has about 4,000,000 people, that means 9.25% are on welfare? Oh, no wonder Maori always want free stuff: "As at 30 June 2009, 43 percent of Domestic Purposes Benefit recipients were Māori."
The Maori political party, based on race, is pushing for separatism, the rights to foreshore and seabed and lots of free stuff for "their people". Looks like they learned some really good lessons from USA Democrat party's Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson who work hard to keep "their people" enslaved as well. For $$. They should emulate better USA black leaders like Thomas Sowell, Alfonso Rachael or Kevin Jackson instead.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Satellite-gate and NZ NIWA is sued

In Feb 2010, I described the plethora of 'gates' spawned by Climategate.
The latest? Satellite-Gate
From Climate Change Fraud: Official: Satellite Failure Means Decade of Global Warming Data Doubtful
"US Government admits satellite temperature readings “degraded.” All data taken offline in shock move. Global warming temperatures may be 10 to 15 degrees too high."
"The fault was first detected after a tip off from an anonymous member of the public to climate skeptic blog, Climate Change Fraud (view original article) (August 9, 2010).
Caught in the center of the controversy is the beleaguered taxpayer funded National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). NOAA’s Program Coordinator, Chuck Pistis has now confirmed that the fast spreading story on the respected climate skeptic blog is true.
However, NOAA spokesman, Program Coordinator, Chuck Pistis declined to state how long the fault might have gone undetected. Nor would the shaken spokesman engage in speculation as to the damage done to the credibility of a decade’s worth of temperature readings taken from the problematic ‘NOAA-16’ satellite.
‘NOAA-16’ was launched in September 2000, and is currently operational, in a sun-synchronous orbit, 849 km above the Earth, orbiting every 102 minutes providing automated data feed of surface temperatures which are fed into climate computer models."
Did you catch the part of a DECADE worth of data may be incorrect?! Canada Free Press reports top scientists are discussing it. I'm sure the USA 'mainstream' media is ALL over this, right?

"The MADIS satellite sounding dataset consists of multiple products from different "providers" that are integrated into a single dataset at ESRL/GSD. Currently, these products consist of temperature and moisture soundings from the NOAA Polar Orbital Environmental Satellites (POES). The POES system offers the advantage of daily global coverage, by making nearly polar orbits roughly 14.1 times daily. Since the number of orbits per day is not an integer the suborbital tracks do not repeat on a daily basis, although the local solar time of each satellite's passage is essentially unchanged for any latitude. NOAA maintains a four satellite configuration (morning NOAA-15 primary, NOAA-17 secondary, and afternoon -- NOAA-19 primary, NOAA-16 and NOAA-18 secondary)*, allowing NOAA to obtain data five times daily in any one location. ... There are approximately 340,000 soundings available per day. Here are graphics showing typical orbits for NOAA-16, and NOAA-18."
Oh yea, and NIWA is being sued. As James Delingpole mentions "the New Zealand Climate Coalition is suing the National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA) – the Kiwi equivalent of our (UK's) disgraced Climatic Research Unit at the University of East Anglia – for having exaggerated warming trends in its temperature records using heavily biased data adjustments."
Discussed at WattsUpWithThat. See details at NZ Climate Coalition or Climate Converstation "NZ Climate Science Trust seeks declarations and orders to:
A. set aside NIWA’s decisions to rely upon the 7SS and 11SS, and finding the current NZTR (NZ temperature record) to be invalid.
B. prevent NIWA from using the current NZTR (or information originally derived from it) for the purpose of advice to any governmental authority or to the public.
C. require NIWA to produce a full and accurate NZTR."
The "7SS and 11SS" terms means 7 or 11 temperature/data station series. 7 or 11 only? Doesn't seem too many, does it. Oh, and the 'facts' NZ government is relying on - from a paper by a ex-NIWA employee named Salinger: data was MODIFIED and then accepted as 'fact'.
Hopefully the court will get to the truth. NZ government MAY just be forced to abandon their ETS (carbon tax) schemes.

(pssst, hey NZ climate scientists: get LOTS more like these and place them in better locations than airports or near heating vents - perhaps track more than 7 or 11... 100 or more might be better... just a suggestion)
The world is NOT going to end... yet anyway: no death by CO2 forcast... no global death by oil leaks either... Nope, man will adapt and survive... at least until Iran has their nuclear bomb... umm, then all bets are off...

more Climate funnies at Cartoons by Josh
Whittle explains the cowardice of appeasement
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Mosque dithering while USA Feds plan mega LAND grab

“They have clearly been dragging their feet, and they don’t want to let us know what they’re trying to do,” Bishop says.
He is especially concerned about portions of the document that recommend using the Antiquities Act “should the legislative process not prove fruitful.” The act gives the president power to designate a national monument with no public or legislative input.
The U.S. Department of the Interior released a statement that reads, in part: “The preliminary internal discussion draft reflects some brainstorming discussions within BLM, but no decisions have been made about which areas, if any, might merit more serious review and consideration.
Ziganto on 10 reasons leftist Faux Feminism is dead
If you think you're a USA 'feminist', you're probably a 'Femisogynist' and your faux 'feminism' is dead. Why?
Reasons expertly outlined in an EXCELLENT article from Lori Ziganto by and Jenn Q. Public explains exactly why in: 10 reasons 2010 isn't the year of the Lefty Woman
1. The Self-Destruction of Anti-Semitic Feminist Icon Helen Thomas
2. Tina Brown: ‘Wingnut’ Women A Blow To Feminism
"some people don’t marginalize themselves into gender boxes only. Unlike the Left, who seeks to diminish women by making them perpetual victims and who wants women to focus on busy work issues only. That whole empowerment deal? It’s impossible to be empowered if one is shrouded in victimization."
"Faux Feminism, like that espoused by Femisogynists, is dead. People like Tina Brown are merely throwing themselves on the casket, caterwauling in a desperate bid to keep it alive."
3. “Twilight: Eclipse” Makes Its Senate Debut
"At long last, the Twihards have a senator who speaks for them, a forward thinking female role model who cares about the rights of sparkly vampire Americans. Finally there’s a legislator who understands that when ladies get together, it’s all Twilight, baby! Constitutional issues can wait! Sadly, Kagan wasn’t prepared to answer and the giggling Klobuchar declined to press the issue. It’s a safe bet the D after Sen. Klobuchar’s name will “accidentally” get dropped from the history books when this incident is recorded."
4. The Left, Including ‘Feminists’ Totally Fine with Iran Gaining Seat on United Nations Women’s Rights Commission
5. Rep. Carol Shea-Porter’s Bathroom Negotiations on Health Care Reform
6. American Academy of Pediatrics Proposes Genital “Nicking” – Women on the Left Grossly Rationalize It As Cultural Sensitivity
7. Unethical Political Hack (Kagan) Lauded as Fourth Female Supreme Court Justice in History
"This horrifyingly unethical woman now holds one of the single most powerful government positions in the country, and is likely to remain there for decades. And instead of admitting her dishonest political meddling, the Left is busy throwing pink ticker tape parades because our newest justice has two X chromosomes and pees sitting down. But hey, at least she’s a woman!"
8. Hillary Clinton and her Anti-Woman State Department
"The Left’s misogynistic tendencies were further on display in Hillary Clinton’s State Department with their utter disregard over the potential stoning to death of Sakineh Mohammadie Ashtiani, who was sentenced to death by stoning in Iran." (well Hillary has 'grave concerns' though...!)
9. Gaffe Master Martha Coakley: Sore Loser or Victim of the Patriarchy?
10. Leftist Women Suggesting Reverse-Suffrage and Asking for Pre-Vote ‘Skirt Checks’
"GOP women are proving that we have moved beyond gender politics. Conservatives and Republicans understand that true empowerment and equality is predicated on freedom, including free thinking, and not on perpetual victimhood."
Read the rest here.
So much for the great work done by suffragettes and the historical, noble fight to get women the vote... "you've come a long way, baby" and now you have to jump off the cliff into irrelevancy.
Saturday, August 14, 2010
No USA recovery this summer as BHO's popularity free falls

"Unemployment has remained at a historic high under President Obama and a Democrat-led Congress. House Republicans have offered real solutions but Democrats have refused to listen. The House Republican Conference put together (above) for you to view the declining level of employment in our country under this wrongly-headed Administration"
From Moonbattery "The more people are out of work, the more people depend on government, the better for the Socialist I mean Democrat Party. That sums up the Dems' economic strategy in nutshell."
So while the USA economy is in decline, so is the bamster's popularity. As discussed this week by the Telegraph's Nile Gardiner "The stunning decline of Barack Obama: 10 key reasons why the Obama presidency is in meltdown" (well anyone who is 'stunned' hasn't been paying attention). Nile's gotten over 1000 comments on his post:
1. The Obama presidency is out of touch with the American people
2. Most Americans don’t have confidence in the president’s leadership
3. Obama fails to inspire
4. The United States is drowning in debt
5. Obama’s Big Government message is falling flat
6. Obama’s support for socialised health care is a huge political mistake
7. Obama’s handling of the Gulf oil spill has been weak-kneed and indecisive
8. US foreign policy is an embarrassing mess under the Obama administration
9. President Obama is muddled and confused on national security
10. Obama doesn’t believe in American greatness
On this top 10 list, iOwnTheWorld adds "The left overplayed their racist card. America is not a dictatorship, never was. Americans need to feel as if they are free to criticize their government, right or wrong."
I further state its a civic duty and responsibility by all Americans to hold their government accountable. After all, its in WRITING that "We the people" are the BOSS - unfortunately we've just been lulled to sleep at the controls FAR too long while the inmates run the asylum.
Mr. Obumbles contrived media 'popularity' is also tanking because America knows it IS still a Christian-Judeo nation which will fight the push for islamization (see P.Geller's post about last BHO nonsense in 'Ramadanadingdong'!...WTF!?!)
Want to keep up on what the alternative, conservative blogs are discussing? Check out the top 50 sites. They have lots of great stuff!
If you heard of the lame 'coffee party' to fight the popularity of the TEA party, check out the appropriate 'F*k koolaid' answer to the latest 'F*k tea' lameness at No Sheeples (yes, all the USA leftists have remaining in their arsenals are name calling and potty mouthed rants).
I don't feel sympathy for wrong thinking leftists any more, but I do have empathy they are such unhappy people. Some are awakening, but some just don't realize they were indoctrinated to be that way. American Thinker's Larrey Anderson even says 'liberals' are manufactured. But I agree with commentor 'Remember the Alamo' who says:
"Can we PLEASE stop calling people on the political left "Liberals?" They are anything but liberal. They are Regressives, they are Statists, they are liberty sapping overlords. Don't allow the left to define terms. Call them what they are, brutal thugs working to reduce Americans to serfs serving the state. "
Friday, August 13, 2010
Morepork (Ruru) returns with Spring

Moreporks, small native NZ owls and nocturnal birds of prey are:
* Speckled brown with yellow eyes set in a dark facial mask. They have a short tail.
* The females are bigger than the males.
* Head to tail they measure around 29cm and the average weight is about 175g.
* They have acute hearing and are sensitive to light.
* They can turn their head through 270 degrees.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010
You mecca me laugh
And to lighten things up, a GREAT idea from Greg Gutfield: build a muslim gay bar NEXT DOOR to the mosque... to teach tolerance and communication... BRILLIANT!
USA "mainstream" media bias exposed
hat tip: NewZeal, this video demonstrates media SPIN against TEA partiers while ignoring angry lefties.
Which side are you on?
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Why do bad things happen in 3s?
Have you ever noticed sometimes bad things, like death, will occur in threes?
I was pondering that this week because we just had to put our 3rd pet to sleep last week. He was the third animal we brought with us to NZ three years ago. Our 3 American pets all died about a month apart one each month May - June - July. They were all different ages and in each case, it was just their time.
I'm pretty sure they didn't plan their own demise together like that.
But why all 3, in 3 months... after 3 years of living in NZ? (is the water funny here...?)
I've experience the weird "death X 3" thing before.
My mom has a big family and I have about 40 first cousins. So about 20 years ago, in about 6 year span, I attended 3 family funerals for 3 first cousins. 3 of my mom's brothers had each lost a child in car accidents within a few (3-6?) years of each other.
Weird, huh?
Oh, yea: remember Patrick Swaze, Michael Jackson & Farrah Fawcett all died within about 3-4 few months of each other?
So what is the deal-io? If the devil's sign is "666", is death's sign "333"?
There have been 3 "Final Destination" movies made - more evidence?
Sorry... I'm off on a tangent now... but this year: Mr. death X 3 happened to me again and it is a bit freaky.
Have you ever experienced "bad things" (like deaths or other sadnesses) X 3 in your life? Care to share?
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Individualism: Ayn Rand's philosophy still relevant today
Check out some videos below from the brilliant Ayn Rand who warned America about its demise 50 years ago. Her warnings are still SPOT ON with relevance today... eerily so. Check out the vids and more on her wise philosophy at the Ayn Rand Institute.
In defense of Capitalism
Liberty vs Socialism
Atlas Shrugged: The Documentary (Trailer) hat tip NewZeal.blogspot.com
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Newt on target describing radical Islam
They want all your money, slaves
Give them pink slips in Nov 2010.
Friday, August 6, 2010
Gulf in recovery, oil disappearing & LA begins fishing

If you hadn't heard, fishing has resumed in some areas. August 2, 2010 pix above is Gov. Bobby Jindal pushing BP to approve seafood certification program. Gov. Jindal wants:
"BP to fund a $173 million, long-term seafood testing and marketing campaign aimed at restoring consumer confidence in the state's seafood products."
Check fish OK = good idea.
Um, so about the "disaster", where did the oil go anyway?
From Aug 4th, 2010 RestoreTheGulf.gov:
"A third (33 percent) of the total amount of oil released in the Deepwater Horizon/BP spill was captured or mitigated by the Unified Command recovery operations, including burning, skimming, chemical dispersion and direct recovery from the wellhead, according to a federal science report released today.
An additional 25 percent of the total oil naturally evaporated or dissolved, and 16 percent was dispersed naturally into microscopic droplets. The residual amount, just over one quarter (26 percent), is either on or just below the surface as residue and weathered tarballs, has washed ashore or been collected from the shore, or is buried in sand and sediments. Dispersed and residual oil remain in the system until they degrade through a number of natural processes. Early indications are that the oil is degrading quickly."
Say, hey, do we trust the new government line "all the oil is gone!"... Well probably no 100% trust, buuut, oil is diminishing. From New Scientist:
"We can't find oil at the surface and, as of this week, we cannot find it deep down either," says Terry Hazen, a microbial ecologist at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in California, whose research has focused on the area within 100 kilometres of the wellhead.
Hazen thinks he can explain why the plumes are gone. He had previously collected water samples from inside and outside of the plumes, which he kept at 4 °C - the coldest temperature along the floor of the Gulf. Within days, he found that the microbial populations in the samples began to shift in favour of those able to break down oil. The findings tally with those of other ecologists working in the field. Hazen also found that the oil disappeared faster still in the presence of Corexit 9500A, the dispersant used by BP in the Gulf waters."
So, NOW WE HAVE TO WORRY about "toxic" dispersants killing everything?! umm... are you scared of shampoo, lotions or juice?! The dispersant ingredients from the New York Times:
"This afternoon Nalco added a release to its website that matched up the chemical components of Corexit with the common household substances that it had named last month as sharing common ingredients with the dispersant. According to Nalco, ioctyl sodium sulfosuccinate is also used as a "wetting agent in cosmetic products, gelatin, [and] beverages"; sorbitan, tri-(9Z)-9-octadecenoate, poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl) derivs is found in body and face lotion; sorbitan, mono-(9Z)-9-octadecenoate, poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl) derivs is used in mouthwash and baby bath products; and sorbitan, mono-(9Z)-9-octadecenoate is found in body shampoo and juice."
A little perspective from HotAir:
"the total amount lost in the Gulf represents what the US normally consumes — in six hours."
iBleedRedCrimson has a really cool video showing the timeline of the oil spill:
"The Times-Pic (www.nola.com) and the Mobile Press-Register (www.al.com) have provided the most informative, most accurate and most complete coverage of the spill, its effects and the bumbling federal response."
For those in Gulf region who need updates, check out: "ERMA®)" (Environmental Response Management Application) is a web-based GIS platform to map the "Response to BP Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico" From geoplatform.gov:
"The dynamic nature of the BP oil spill has been a challenge for a range of communities – from hotel operators to fishermen to local community leaders.
GeoPlatform.gov/gulfresponse has a new online tool that provides you with near-real time information about the response effort. Developed by NOAA with the EPA, U.S. Coast Guard, and the Department of Interior, the site offers you a “one-stop shop” for spill response information. The site integrates the latest data the federal responders have about the oil spill’s trajectory with fishery area closures, wildlife data and place-based Gulf Coast resources — such as pinpointed locations of oiled shoreline and current positions of deployed research ships — into one customizable interactive map."

If there is no spit, you must acquit
Oh yea, and they aren't racists. (Where are race baiters Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton? don't think they were invited! lol...)
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
USA women: don't be Femisogynists
8. Encouraging Promiscuity
7. Sanctioning Victimhood
6. Dabbling In Misandry
5. Destroying Chivalry
4. Attacking Motherhood
3. Requiring A Feminist Litmus Test
2. Promoting Lies and Manipulation
1. Glorifying Abortion
Cassie explains: "American women have some of the best lives in the world. We can literally do whatever we want. American women can go to school where we want, we can go to college, we can work wherever we want, we can marry whoever we want, and we can choose to lead whatever kind of life we want to lead. Millions of women in oppressed countries around the world cannot even imagine the freedom that American women so enjoy — and take for granted. We’ve come a long way in less than one hundred short years, but a lot of women can’t see that.