Monday, January 18, 2010

UN has been in Haiti 6 years doing what?

From Judi McLeod at Canada Free Press:

Time to hold UN accountable for world’s poor

The living horror of Haiti could someday be turned around as a showcase for real hope and change for poverty stricken nations everywhere.

It’s time to recognize that the UN arranged chinwags attended by presidents and world leaders in settings like Copenhagen two weeks before Christmas do ZERO for poor people whose only crime was being born in poverty-stricken countries.

Since 2004, there has been a 9,000 strong UN “Peacekeeping Force” on the ground in Haiti. Not only have they been unable to have implemented the building codes that left Haiti as an earthquake waiting to happen, they have failed in six long years to wrest power from the few elite who hold it and divert needed funds to the local level.

When some of the 193 UN member state leaders turned up for this year’s poverty summit, the only thing they proved was that sitting around flicking the ashes off their cigars with diamonded pinky fingers between meetings does diddly squat for the world’s poor.

News reports indicate that in Haiti, the UN lost the most personnel in its history; that like everyone else the UN was trying to dig out the 36 still missing from the rubble of the earthquake and that’s why there wasn’t much of a UN presence to help out in the earthquake aftermath.

Yet Hillary Clinton somehow got through today.

Haitians getting by in huts and hovels had none either and for six long years no help that could be counted from the UN in Port au Prince.

If there is anything that Haiti proves it’s that the UN is an abysmal failure. While they sit around in the comfortable offices in their vast empire worldwide, the sound of incessant talking can be heard.

In Haiti, the screams for help of people still buried under rubble four days after the Earthquake can be heard everywhere other than inside the UN.

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