From an ACT email: NZ public welcome to the Public Meetings below to learn how:
- the NZ Govt and power generators will soon be celebrating windfall profits at your expense- Petrol will soon go up 4 cents per litre because of the ETS
- the above rises will double to 10% and 8 cents per litre by 2013
- the cost of EVERYTHING ELSE will rise after 1 July due to power and transport increases
- These rises do not include rises in GST and other 'normal' increases
- New Zealand is the only country to press ahead with such a punishing eco-tax- our major trading partners have put the brakes on their emissions remedies
- only by making your voice heard can you avoid this eco-tax.
Rodney Hide or John Boscawen will tell you how to make your voice heard on:
Monday 19 April - St Thomas's Church Hall, Crn St Heliers Bay Rd & Kohimarama Rd, 11am
Thursday 15 April - Dunsandel Community Hall, Hororata Dunsandel Rd, Christchurch 7pm
Monday 3 May - Mellow Manor, Hamilton/Cambridge Highway, Tamahere, 7.30pm
For more information call Karen Bridgman on 09 531 5531
= = = = = = =Excerpt from earlier speech from John Boscowan 14-Apr-2010:
"Let’s turn now to the Emissions Trading Scheme:
In just under three months time, on 1 July, New Zealand’s ETS is to be extended across most sectors of our economy:
The ETS is deliberately intended to make energy - both electricity and petrol - more expensive and Treasury forecast its immediate impact will result in a five percent increase in the price of electricity and a four cents per litre increase in the price of petrol and double again in 2013.
These increases will be paid by all New Zealanders and as a consequence of the way our electricity and carbon markets work, the result will be both windfall profits to the power companies, and windfall tax gains to the government.
New Zealand will be the first and only country in the world to have such a comprehensive ETS tax. "
Click here to get a PDF flyer on ETS from ACT.org.nz
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